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2024-06-09 10:19:07

The very fact we have to say “vote against fascism” is a damning indictment of the failure of our democratic institutions and the rule of law. You shouldn’t be able to vote FOR fascism. Democracies that lack constitutional safeguards against fascism will, eventually, stop being democracies. When? At the last election. The one that elected the fascists. Democracy cannot tolerate fascism. Tolerance cannot tolerate intolerance. I’m afraid this is a lesson we will learn the hard way. Again.
2024-06-08 19:25:46

X remains a popular destination for people highly engaged in politics, with DC insiders reluctantly buying blue checks and candidates paying for cheap ads (NOTUS)
2024-06-08 19:48:11

Today 210 Palestinians were killed and 400 more were maimed during the rescue operation of four hostages.
Remember that Israel could have had all the hostages back on October 8th, but refused to.
The US and UK provided the logistic support.
2024-06-08 19:46:44

Leaving Caitlin Clark off Olympic team, USA Basketball airballs on huge opportunity

2024-06-09 05:45:47

This is why we are alive! 😍
2024-06-08 07:40:19

@… sehr schön! Danke fürs Bescheid geben
2024-06-08 19:11:11

Henry Cuellar's corruption trial delayed until after election (Matthew Choi/The Texas Tribune)
2024-06-08 20:07:23

Phillies star Bryce Harper channels English footballers as he celebrates homer in London Series
#MLB #Baseball #TheAthletic
2024-06-08 15:18:07

The Left Should Stop Spreading Anti-Migration Talking Points
2024-06-08 15:16:19

Denna brevväxling mellan Sven-Eric Liedman och Ingvar Karlsson inför valet var något av det mest upplyftande jag läst på länge. Perspektiven, livet och medmänskligheten.
2024-06-08 15:45:19

@… tbh I miss bonto
2024-06-08 19:34:34

Enjoying tonights England v Australia T20 on TMS but I so much prefer the tests!
2024-06-09 07:19:07

Letzte Woche wurden an unserer weiterführenden Schule in Gelsenkirchen erneut alle Falschparker abgeschleppt.
Finde das richtig gut.
Die Autos standen im
absoluten Haltverbot, nicht auf dem Gehweg, das war anscheinend ausreichend.
Die Umsetzungen finden statt, wenn wir es dem Ordnungsamt melden oder die Müllabfuhr Probleme meldet.
2024-07-08 05:57:54

View across Llyn Idwal to Clogwyn y Geifr, Eryri National Park, North #Wales in 2009
2024-06-08 20:19:07

*extends up a middle finger*

From: Governor Hochul <>
Subject: Thank you for your Correspondence

"Thank you very much for your email." (the rest of the response form letter is cut off)
2024-06-08 19:21:54

Russland wehrt ukrainischen Drohnenangriff ab
Die russische Armee hat nach eigenen Angaben einen ukrainischen Drohnenangriff auf einen Militärflugplatz in der russischen Teilrepublik Nordossetien im Kaukasus abgewehrt. Über der Stadt Mosdok habe die Luftabwehr drei Drohnen abgeschossen, erklärte Regionalpräsident Sergej Meniajlo im Onlinedienst Telegram. Nach ersten Erkenntnissen seien die Drohnen aus der Ukraine gekommen. Ge…
2024-06-08 19:35:24

A post from the archive 📫:
Public Art Museums
2024-06-08 19:13:57

C'est quoi le site pour chercher des torrents de nos jours ?
Edonkey ça existe toujours ?
2024-06-08 08:04:20

@… wo bist du den? 😮
2024-06-09 07:23:19

Benutzt hier jemand "Keyboard Maestro" am Mac?
2024-06-08 19:52:25

Say what you will about Apple Music, the lyrics metadata is AOK.

Screenshot of a music player showing "Main Title and First Victim" by John Williams. The album artwork features a shark from the movie "Jaws." The screen also displays a repetition of the text "Dun-dun" in a faded background
2024-06-08 15:19:11

Final tally from Monaghan for Midlands-North West constituency.
1. Michelle Gildernew (SF) - 6,610
2. Nina Carberry (FG) - 4,793
3. Peader Toibin (Aontu) - 1,826
4. Barry Cowen (FF) - 1,747
5. Niall Blayney (FF) - 1,492
6. Luke 'Ming' Flanagan (Non Party) - 1,274
7. Maria Walsh (FG) - 1,267
2024-06-09 07:18:32

I could live with this kind of AI.

LM Studio, Llama 3 LLM model

define onerous

The word "onerous" refers to a task, duty, or obligation that is burdensome, oppressive, or unpleasant. It can also describe something that is difficult, tiresome, or demanding.

Here are some synonyms for "onerous":

1. Burdensome
2. Oppressive
3. Arduous
4. Laborious
5. Exacting

In general, an onerous task or responsibility is one that requires significant effort, energy, or resources to complete or fulfill. It may also be perceived as un…
2024-06-08 07:09:19

Ich habe einen kleinen Bot geschrieben, der für alle Fans von #Balkonsolar, #erneuerbareEnergien und #SolarPunk hilfreich sein könnte.
Morgens um 9 postet @…
2024-06-09 07:19:13

Tinder e Bumble puntano sulle Donne. Sicurezza e Moderazione dei contenuti gli obiettivi sui quali puntare
Tinder e Bumble puntano sulle Donne. Sicurezza e Moderazione dei contenuti gl…
2024-06-08 16:10:07

Got the #RaspberryPi up and running for the first time in 19,882 days (sic). It just needed for power than the cable router's USB at least could provide. Anyway I've a test bed again.
2024-06-09 07:56:38
@… а почему они такие? @…
2024-06-08 19:59:38

Wow is that strong. This is a full size 150mm print of a vertical post that measures 56x58mm. There are two horizontal 20x40mm bars that slot in. They are held in place with a vertical pin you slide into the hole on the top that's about 6mm diameter and 65mm tall. #3DPrinting #Prusa

3D print of the 4 parts mated together
2024-06-08 16:07:24

Michael Reeves doesn't upload often, but when he does, it's just great 😂 #ScooterCar
2024-06-08 01:36:24

You Don’t Know Jack: Is The Raiders’ Corner The Best In The West?
2024-06-08 18:00:07

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011)
A network representing follower-following relations among Twitter users associated with the 15-M Movement or Anti-austerity movement in Spain, in the period April-May 2011. Metadata include hashtags in the tweets.
This network has 87569 nodes and 6030459 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011). 87569 nodes, 6030459 edges.
2024-06-08 07:13:05

Zitat (Hashtags MS): ... dass der #Zionismus ein »klassisches europäisches Kolonialunternehmen des 19. Jahrhunderts« sei. Aber stimmt das?
#Kolonialismus wird gemeinhin definiert als die Politik und Praxis einer imperialen Macht, die politische Kontrolle über ein anderes Land erlangt, es mit ihren S…
2024-06-09 07:38:46

Voted for even better Europe.
2024-06-08 05:34:11

Le trafic est ralenti entre La Défense et La Verrière dans les 2 sens.
Motif : prolongation des travaux effectués par le gestionnaire de réseau.
🤖 08/06 07:34

2024-06-09 05:45:47

This is why we are alive! 😍
2024-06-08 07:45:19

We've been taking aspirin for over 100 years. Does mean it's safe? Maybe. Maybe not. but the burden of proof is on those who claim aspirin is dangerous.
We've been eating apples for 1000s of years. Does that mean we should stop?
2024-06-08 15:47:19

Scholz: Keine NATO-Soldaten in der Ukraine
Nach der Ankündigung des französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron, Militärausbilder in die Ukraine schicken zu wollen, hat Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz einer Entsendung deutscher Soldaten in das Kriegsgebiet erneut eine klare Absage erteilt. "Wir werden weiter verhindern, dass es zu einer Eskalation kommt", sagte er auf einer SPD-Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Duisburg. Dazu gehöre auch die…
2024-06-08 19:42:44

Didn't Martha Stewart do time for something similar?
Elon Musk accused of improperly selling $7.5 billion in Tesla stock before weak sales report - ABC7 Los Angeles
2024-06-08 07:03:16

Krasse Anschuldigungen - Milliardär Frank Stronach in Kanada verhaftet! #News #Nachrichten
2024-06-08 08:02:53

Fahr dann heute noch zum demonstrieren.
Wer ist den so heute alles bei der Demo in #Muenchen?
2024-06-08 19:52:25

Say what you will about Apple Music, the lyrics metadata is AOK.

Screenshot of a music player showing "Main Title and First Victim" by John Williams. The album artwork features a shark from the movie "Jaws." The screen also displays a repetition of the text "Dun-dun" in a faded background
2024-06-08 09:31:07

How to Quit Google, According to a Privacy Expert | Lifehacker
2024-06-09 07:05:10

Mirror, mirror on the wall

LM Studio llava phi 3 mini 7b f16 gguf (vision) describing me in an old photo

Describe the picture
(User Image Content)

The image features a man sitting in front of a bookshelf filled with books and other items. The man is wearing a black and white checkered shirt, which has a brown cap resting on his head. He is gazing directly at the camera with a slight smile playing on his lips. His relaxed posture suggests he might be enjoying some quiet time amidst the numerous books surrounding…
2024-06-09 07:00:32

Heute vor 41 Jahren: Am 09.06.1983 zündeten die #USA im Rahmen von Operation Phalanx die 10. Atombombe "Danablu". Phalanx war eine Serie von #Kernwaffentests bei der 1982/83 insgesamt 19 Bomben größtenteils im Testgebiet in

Kartierung aller Koordinaten von "Operation Phalanx (Atomtest)" im Testgebiet Nevada (Nevada National Security Site, NNSS)
Quelle: OpenStreetMap
Lizenz: Open Data Commons Open Database-Lizenz (ODbL)
2024-06-09 07:19:13

Tinder e Bumble puntano sulle Donne. Sicurezza e Moderazione dei contenuti gli obiettivi sui quali puntare
Tinder e Bumble puntano sulle Donne. Sicurezza e Moderazione dei contenuti gl…
2024-06-09 07:50:21

Завтра снова на работу. Етить колотить
:acat_spillowturbo: :blobfoxcactus:
2024-06-08 19:56:10

aktuelles #Wetter #Behrendorf #Wische 08-06-2024 21:50
Temperatur: (min: 8,0C) 15,5C (max: 25,7C)
Feuchte: 78%
Luftdruck: 1007,3 hPa (langsam steigend)
Windrichtung: 319 Grad
2024-06-08 21:19:49

Bill Madden on X: "Eric Swalwell goes down a list of countries that Trump, as a convicted felon, will be persona non grata -- not allowed to enter. Hint: It's basically a map of the world. 😂" / X
2024-06-08 05:34:11

Le trafic est ralenti entre La Défense et La Verrière dans les 2 sens.
Motif : prolongation des travaux effectués par le gestionnaire de réseau.
🤖 08/06 07:34
2024-06-08 19:07:51

Raiders' James Lists Top Centers in the NFL
2024-06-09 07:14:19

Oral-B Hopes You Didn’t Use Your $230 Alexa-Enabled Toothbrush
Oral-B Hopes You Didn’t Use Your $230 Alexa-Enabled Toothbrush With companies desperate to keep adding more and more seem…
2024-06-09 02:14:19

People used to argue that gay sex must be illegal because it is disgusting and unnatural. Of course the hetero majority felt that way. But feelings make very bad guides for lawmaking. Gay sex is not inherently harmful. When asked to prove it was, the bigots had go give in.
2024-06-09 07:14:19

Oral-B Hopes You Didn’t Use Your $230 Alexa-Enabled Toothbrush
Oral-B Hopes You Didn’t Use Your $230 Alexa-Enabled Toothbrush With companies desperate to keep adding more and more seem…
2024-07-02 19:09:38

Today I live streamed a "draft book chapter via video" on "Audio Interviews and Podcasting" for my forthcoming book, "Pocket Share Jesus: Be a Digital Witness for Christ." The recording is an hour long and archived on YouTube:

A diverse group of people are engaged in a podcasting and audio interview discussion in a cozy room. Various recording equipment is on the table, and some participants use laptops and smartphones. The wall displays information about podcasting. The image includes the text “
2024-06-08 20:07:37

The Reason Why Raiders Should Not Fret Over Ex-RB Josh Jacobs' Departure
2024-06-08 17:25:55

aktuelles #Wetter #Behrendorf #Wische 08-06-2024 19:15
Temperatur: (min: 8,0C) 22,0C (max: 25,7C)
Feuchte: 52%
Luftdruck: 1005,5 hPa (langsam fallend)
Windrichtung: 295 Grad
2024-06-08 18:55:43

aktuelles #Wetter #Behrendorf #Wische 08-06-2024 20:45
Temperatur: (min: 8,0C) 19,7C (max: 25,7C)
Feuchte: 58%
Luftdruck: 1005,9 hPa (gleichbleibend)
Windrichtung: 282 Grad
2024-07-30 19:41:54

Does anyone know a good introduction into #machinelearning where #mlr3 for #R is used? Most lecture- or seminarmaterial I'm finding is using python for demonstration and tasks.
2024-07-29 19:42:54

*Where are my wings?* 🧚🏻‍♀️
#MysticalMonday #Forest #ForestTrail
2024-06-19 01:39:09
“Since Monday, June 10, 2024, production has stopped worldwide at all of the forklift manufacturer's locations, i.e. not only in Roding (Germany), but also at the location in New Bremen, USA. The company's switchboard is dead, so the manufacturer cannot be reached by phone.”
Crown Equipment Corp Victim of a Ransomware Attack
2024-06-08 18:45:30

aktuelles #Wetter #Behrendorf #Wische 08-06-2024 20:35
Temperatur: (min: 8,0C) 19,9C (max: 25,7C)
Feuchte: 59%
Luftdruck: 1005,7 hPa (gleichbleibend)
Windrichtung: 293 Grad
2024-06-17 19:00:03
Content warning: Mashup of “Inside Out” and “The Emoji Movie” as a Sequel

In the first movie, Riley's father needed to move to California for a new job opportunity, but what was his job? Easy: he works for Elon Musk's Neural Link, who have just began their human testing!
He signs up his daughter and she gets the latest brain to machine interface built directly into her skull.
As a gift for participating she gets the phone from the Emoji movie, it's reused from the previous owner. Elon Musk makes a remark about this being more “green” and “eco friendl…
2024-06-18 16:09:07

We went to Ruidoso, New Mexico last year for the annular solar eclipse. A beautiful place.
Wishing good luck to everyone there with the current wildfires. :(
2024-06-18 19:42:21

In the production rules for a formal grammar for Life, death is the ultimate terminal symbol. #Chomsky
2024-06-18 20:36:14

Gnome Chompksi
(real gamers have that achievement)
2024-06-17 19:50:23

RISJ's 2024 Digital News Report with a survey of 90K people: six platforms, like TikTok, reach 10% of respondents for news use vs. two a decade ago, more (Nic Newman/Reuters Institute)
2024-06-18 16:31:15

Great explainer here:
2024-06-16 19:23:57

@… 嫌う人と好む人に分かれるから、客の選別が進むんじゃないかなあ
2024-06-18 12:14:47

Hier heeft hij vast geen actieve herinnering aan …
2024-06-18 15:23:07

but what if I see a great curbside pickup while on my way home from picking up groceries
2024-06-18 18:11:00

Great work by @…
2024-06-11 19:07:59

QR code SQL injection from popular biometric terminal
💥⁠#InfoSec #CyberSecurity
2024-06-15 15:19:30

Remember that time I made a perfect YouTube and Vimeo web component that is progressively enhanced and accessible and nobody said anything about it proving that it is indeed perfect?
That was cool.
2024-06-16 11:32:07
2024-06-18 19:07:42

#Männer sind schon schwierig/haben's schwer. Ich habe von einer Bekannten erfahren, dass sie in ihrer Institution durch eine lange Tour auf Platz 1 beim #Stadtradeln gekommen ist, woraufhin der entthronte Mann seine Kilometer auf unsichtbar geschaltet hat.
2024-06-18 07:54:54

Oh yes, I have all the local authority funding Hot Goss.
The Gist is like a Smash Hits magazine, if very wonkish information about public policy were 1980s pop stars.
2024-07-28 06:25:16

Watching Humpback #Whales in Eyjafjord #Iceland on this day 2015
2024-06-17 17:21:19

Das ist was es bedeutet den Rechtsruck mitzutragen

Ein Bild welches viele Screenshots von Artikeln diverser Zeitungen zeigt. Der erste Screenshot sagt „Ricarda Lang - Ausgerechnet Grünen-Chefin fordert von SPD und FDP Tempo bei Abschiebungen”

Der zweite Screenshot sagt „Migration - Hamburg: Zahl der Abschiebungen in Hamburg um 50% gestiegen”

Der dritte Screenshot sagt „Grundrecht, das nur den Deutschen zusteht”: FDP will Versammlungsfreiheit für Ausländer einschränken”

„Gazastreifen - Bärbock sieht Förderung nach „allgemeinen Waffenstillstan…
Ein Screenshot eines Beitrags von der Tagesschau. Darin wird die Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser von der SPD gezeigt wie sie sagt „Wir haben schon letztes Jahr 27 Prozent mehr Rückführung erreicht. Unser Gesetz wird diese Zahl nochmal deutlich erhöhen.”
2024-06-18 16:09:07

We went to Ruidoso, New Mexico last year for the annular solar eclipse. A beautiful place.
Wishing good luck to everyone there with the current wildfires. :(
2024-06-18 12:38:29

Current status
2024-06-19 01:59:44

This Crown Equipment attack. Hoo boy what a disaster at so many levels.
2024-06-19 00:31:09

Florida State Scores Key Win Tuesday At 2024 College World Series Before Rain Washes Out Nightcap
#MLB #Baseball #BaseballAmerica
2024-06-18 16:56:38

Terrific work here from RMI:
2024-06-18 21:35:49

The sentence "Noam Chomsky passed away" is incorrect, but syntactically possible.
2024-07-26 11:06:19

Old Sodbury, England
2024-06-19 02:03:13

Willie Mays Passes Away
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-06-18 12:22:13

Free Danish TV episode idea: After the election, Birgitte faces opposition from a smaller party in the winning coalition. Two MPs insist on a ban of all instant noodle products above a certain Scoville heat unit number, forcing Birgitte to negotiate throughout the night in a desperate attempt to save Greenland’s developing chili farming industry at the eleventh hour.
2024-06-18 13:55:07

Fascists use bullying as a weapon to gain power and stifle dissent.
2024-06-19 00:40:13

Cubs Acquire William Simoneit From Phillies
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-06-18 15:19:22

How a semi-secret right-wing media empire is blanketing America with lies |
2024-06-19 00:34:16

Mike Tauchman Out Roughly Four Weeks With Groin Strain
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-06-19 00:29:20

The Jesus Luzardo Alternative Who *Should* Be Available Next Month
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-06-19 01:21:51

Willie Mays, baseball’s electrifying ‘Say Hey Kid,’ dies at 93
#MLB #Baseball #TheAthletic
2024-06-19 01:26:15

Yankees' Aaron Judge leaves game vs. Orioles after getting hit by pitch
#MLB #Baseball #TheAthletic
2024-06-19 02:06:16

Yankees Call Up Ben Rice Following Anthony Rizzo Injury | Prospect Profile
#MLB #Baseball #BaseballAmerica
2024-06-18 22:08:12

A’s Outright Seth Brown
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-06-18 23:00:17

Alex Lange To Undergo Lat Surgery
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-06-18 22:13:16

Astros Place Justin Verlander On Injured List
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-06-18 22:55:13

Yankees Place Ian Hamilton, Cody Poteet On Injured List
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors