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2024-06-13 05:14:23

Einige der zuletzt hier besonders häufig geteilten #News:
Gutachten: Kommunale Wärmeplanung mit Wasserstoff nicht verantwortbar
2024-06-13 07:23:55

To avoid disappointment, don’t conflate law with justice.
2024-06-13 07:55:00

heise | KI-Begleitband inklusive: Logic Pro 11 und Logic Pro für iPad 2 im Test
Apple hat seine Profimusikprogramme aufgebohrt: In Logic Pro 11 für Mac und Logic Pro für iPad 2 setzt der Konzern verstärkt auf KI-basierte Funktionen.
2024-06-13 17:05:25

APOD from 2024-04-23, Contrail Shadow X — Fatih Ekmen Via
2024-06-14 05:20:23

Here’s @… says ng something I also keep repeating:
Big companies often •love• regulatory burden, because it keeps small entrants out of the market.
2024-06-13 07:26:46
“The San Francisco-based start-up told the Financial Times it has expanded the number of staff on its global affairs team from three at the start of 2023 to 35. The company aims to build that up to 50 by the end of 2024.”
2024-06-13 19:51:33

Frage an die datenschützenden SysAdmins und angewandten IT-Sicherheitsforschenden unter euch:
Bietet #Festplattenverschlüsselung in einem angemieteten #VPS auf #KVM-Basis einen wirkun…
2024-06-12 23:32:52

Links for the final two #AAS244 press conferences: (JWST Imaging of the Closest Globular Clusters -- II. Discovery of Brown Dwarfs in NGC 6397 and Measurement of Age from the Brown Dwarf Cooling Sequence).
2024-06-12 23:00:08

Georgia Supreme Court rules against county’s property seizure from catalytic converter recyclers - The Current
2024-06-14 07:23:00

I see people far in the future laughing so hard at the gullibility and foolishness of 21st century homo sapiens worshipping at the altar of technological divinity.

Well, either that or crying.
2024-06-13 19:46:53

Ich freu mich, dass es jetzt endlich Stufe zwei der Bürgerbeteiligung zum Klimakonzept für Pankow gibt. Aber ne Einladung mit 301 sichtbaren Email-Adressen?
2024-06-13 23:49:23

I love this view of the Gainbridge Fieldhouse. It's like I'm there! In the cheap seats! 🏀

Aerial view, likely from a camera mounted in the rafters, of a basketball floor and surrounding seat filled with people. This is from the currently live WNBA game between the Indiana Fever and Atlanta Dream
2024-06-14 07:32:42

Über 2.000 Unterschriften. Stark-Watzinger hat sich bisher nicht einmal zu einem Kommentar herabgelassen. Früher hatten Politiker wenigsten noch den Anstand, einen "Fehler" einzuräumen, bevor sie dann nicht zurückgetreten sind...…
2024-06-13 23:30:21

Note to self: do not file a bug against your own code for missing functionality if you just implemented that functionality and it is checked-in and working.
2024-06-14 07:45:29

diese Petition von Team Fahrradstrow (🤭 ) verdient mehr Aufmerksamkeit.
2024-06-14 07:25:49

@… Oh and FWIW @… (my other bot/script) that looks at Vivaldi stable and snapshot (beta) releases for both desktop and mobile versions, checks for updates every 30 minutes so it tends to not…
2024-06-13 23:14:23

🏐 Japanese volleyball’s fastest growing fan base — female superfans
2024-06-12 23:29:07
2024-06-13 07:53:22

Wie hoch sind die TYPISCHEN Kosten für die Nachrüstung einer #Wärmepumpe im Einfamilienhaus? Gerne als Spanne und keine Schätzungen, sondern nur reale Preise.
Bitte keine Eigenarbeit oder Sonderlösungen!
Präzisieriung: Ich suche die Kostenspanne (ohne Förderung) für rentierliche und CO2-sparende Investition ohne auf Einzelfälle einzugehen.
2024-06-13 22:38:44

Because, at present, I'm working on arcane bits of software to silence the noises in my head, I was searching my blog for something I'd written before about parallel mapping; and I found instead something I wrote five years ago about working on arcane bits of software to silence the noises in my head.
I feel as if I'm trapped in one of those dreadful time loop nightmares.
This is mad.
I am mad.
I hate, hate, hate being mad.
2024-06-13 07:55:10

How to help someone use a computer, including:
«Most user interfaces are terrible. When people make mistakes it's usually the fault of the interface. You've forgotten how many ways you've learned to adapt to bad interfaces.»
«If you need to show off, show off your ability to criticize bad design. When they get nailed by a false assumption about the computer's behavior, tell them their assumption was reasonable. Tell *yourself* that it was reasonable. »
/HT @…
2024-06-12 16:43:07

“What is something someone who has never been poor wouldn’t understand?”"
How hard it is to eat healthy.
Healthy food is *expensive*. :(
2024-06-13 23:59:27

I sometimes wonder if people forget that the US has this "little ole" department called the NSA that is already gobbling up all your data en masse and they don't give a flying fuck about your robots.txt or your opinion.
2024-06-14 03:23:04

To Zone or Not to Zone When Retrofitting a UK Heat Pump (2024) - A short summary of the published paper: do not chuck out all the TRVs when installing a heat-pump! -
2024-06-14 09:23:33

Estland: Zwei Prozent Militärausgaben in der NATO reichen nicht
Estlands Verteidigungsminister Hanno Pevkur hat an die NATO-Partner appelliert, jährlich einen größeren Anteil ihrer nationalen Wirtschaftsleistung für Verteidigung auszugeben. Zwei Prozent des Bruttoinlandproduktes (BIP) - das offizielle NATO-Ziel - seien nicht genug, sagte er am Rande eines NATO-Verteidigungsministertreffens in Brüssel. Estland habe als Ziel 2,…
2024-06-13 19:23:42

Safe havens for ESG @…
2024-06-13 07:16:36

Shopware uses ElasticSearch if possible and instructed to, e.g. for ProductListings. I didn't know this nor did I expect this, here is my story 😂
2024-06-14 07:22:38

Russia is doing active harm right now and holds the potential for terrible danger well beyond that. US and NATO efforts to box it in are righteous – broadly.
But man, in the details they can sometimes be so bloody petty and posturing.
2024-06-14 07:33:57

Bibliothécaire en Suisse ? Répondez Š l'enquête sur les salaires menée par Bibliosuisse. (vous pouvez passer en français en cliquant sur les ... en haut Š droite)
2024-06-13 07:23:44

#SlowStreet (or not) equivalents in other lands.

A street sign, white silhouettes of an adult walking, a child playing and a car sharing a street.  The background is blue, with blue silhouettes of buildings . The sign is at the start of a pedestrian friendly street where cars are allowed.
A street sign, white silhouettes of an adult walking, a child playing and a car sharing a street, with a red bar from lower left to upper right.  The background is blue, with blue silhouettes of buildings . The sign is at the end of a pedestrian friendly street, warning people that cars dominate  on the other side of the sign.
2024-06-13 18:07:34

Abbas Akhavan, Curtain Call. #art
2024-06-12 10:42:23

PhD position on predictive processing in perception at the Predictive Brain Lab, Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
2024-06-14 06:05:44

Ich möchte, dass Ihr bei EM an Erika Mustermann denkt und nix anderes.
2024-06-14 07:59:54

Exakt vom 12. Juni ermittelt u.a. West-Ost-Unterschiede bei der Europawahl. Und "Humor" spielt bei jungen Wählern eine wichtige Rolle.
Webseite der Episode:
2024-06-12 18:36:23

To all AAA #gamedevs out there: Wanna learn the trick to get me to instantly uninstall your game after waiting for it to download for an hour or two? Make the first thing I have to do be sign up to your custom game account.
2024-06-12 21:23:46

Breaking News:
Es könnte vielleicht vor der Sommerpause noch wichtige Entscheidungen fallen zum Schienenausbau und Tempo-30-Zonen.
Im Bundesrat bewegt sich gerade was. 💪
2024-06-13 12:07:27

Bestell-Terminal beim #Bäcker
Geiler Shice
2024-06-13 07:23:44

#SlowStreet (or not) equivalents in other lands.

A street sign, white silhouettes of wan adult walking, a child playing and a car sharing a street.  The background is blue, with blue silhouettes of buildings . The sign is at the start of a pedestrian friendly street where cars are allowed.
A street sign, white silhouettes of wan adult walking, a child playing and a car sharing a street, with a red bar from lower left to upper right.  The background is blue, with blue silhouettes of buildings . The sign is at the end of a pedestrian friendly street, warning people that cars dominate  on the other side of the sign.
2024-06-13 07:51:55

Ist nicht neu oder? :-)
2024-06-13 07:54:29

Tajemství Stačilo! — newsletter @… (@…)
2024-06-12 19:26:07

Misspelled "crowdfunding" as "crowfunding" and now I'm imagining groups of crows contributing lots of shiny things for large collaborative projects.
2024-06-13 11:23:11
La competencia ya se nota en el ferrocarril: Renfe ha cambiado su compromiso de puntualidad …a peor.
La magia del capitalismo.
2024-06-14 07:42:20

Sahra #Wagenknecht bei #Maischberger: Kopfschütteln über so viel ideologiegetriebene Propaganda für Putin.
2024-06-13 17:40:23

I had a 1 on 1 meeting with my manager this morning that is causing me some consternation. I got some hints about some feedback I might receive in my upcoming mid-year review that has me worried some of it is going to be unfair criticism. Of course I should just not worry until it happens, but that’s easier said than done.
2024-06-12 20:07:01

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 Unfortunate
#NowPlaying #Tems #newRelease 🆕 album
2024-06-13 23:51:49

Milei auf Europareise (II)
2024-06-14 07:23:53

Le trafic est interrompu de Pontoise vers Montigny - Beauchamp jusqu'Š 10h30.
Motif : panne sur les installations du gestionnaire de réseau.
🤖 14/06 09:23
2024-06-11 23:20:48

In other news, I've been spending a lot of time lately thinking about Emmy Noether and especially her two symmetry theorems, which can be given significant credit for shaping fundamental physics in the 20th century. They are astonishing: She PROVED that if a physical law has a symmetry (in the sense of being independent of say, the time) then there is a corresponding conservation law (for time, energy). Zowie. Higgs bosons flow from that profundity.
2024-06-13 12:04:07

Fantastical stopped showing me events from my work calendar. I tried re-adding the account, but no joy. I like Fantastical a lot, but I think it's time to give it up :(
2024-06-12 10:23:02

🚫 Don't install your own software.
Got it! Hardware it is then...
2024-06-13 09:35:07

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-14 07:55:25

One of those news outlets that often likes to use “quietly” to describe the actions of companies, published an article on Tuesday that was… trash. But it's now a 404, like it never existed.
A plea to outlets that develop their own CMS: It you're going to withdraw a story, don't just delete/404 it - replace it with a 410 and attach at least *some* editorial comment about why it's not there.
2024-06-13 23:43:07

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OJBorg
Deacon Blue:
🎵 Real Gone Kid
2024-06-13 23:24:24
Oh no!
The Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled
2024-06-14 07:41:23

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
James Galway:
🎵 Concerto en Ut Maj K 299 pour flute harpe et orchestre : Allegro
2024-06-12 23:00:53

Thomas' "Son" Faces 25 Years On Drugs/Guns Charges - Joe.My.God.
2024-06-13 19:30:05

8/ Bei Nutella gibt es so 2kg-Packungen für Menschen mit erhöhtem Bedarf. Weiß nicht, warum der Kleber in so kleinen Packungen kommt. WMK hat jedenfalls enorm viele davon verbraucht. Na ja, er hat ja auch große Hände.
Und vielleicht hatte er auch Nachholbedarf. 100 Tage nicht mehr irgendwo kleben, da staut sich ganz schön was auf.
2024-06-14 07:32:42

Über 2.000 Unterschriften. Stark-Watzinger hat sich bisher nicht einmal zu einem Kommentar herabgelassen. Früher hatten Politiker wenigsten noch den Anstand, einen "Fehler" einzuräumen, bevor sie dann nicht zurückgetreten sind...…
2024-06-12 23:28:31

Two tight-lipped #SpaceX guys have now picked up a substantial piece of #SpaceDebris from a recent #Falcon9 launch which had landed on a farm in Canada: An earlier report:
2024-06-14 07:10:44

@… Anyway I hope this clarifies some things. I am not an actual expert, especially so on security but I have been involved (in one way or another) in the desktop browser release process first at Opera and now at Vivaldi for around 15 years, so I have a vague (or put another way, perhaps better than the average user) idea about how things *might* work…
2024-06-13 23:48:52 is an available domain if anybody wants to grab it and make a defederated instance there for privacy.
Just thought ya'll should know, cause it seems like that's exactly the kind of thing some people want.
2024-06-14 03:23:04

To Zone or Not to Zone When Retrofitting a UK Heat Pump (2024) - A short summary of the published paper: do not chuck out all the TRVs when installing a heat-pump! -
2024-06-14 07:14:01

Yesterday I informed someone that he was now under US sanctions.
Nobody had told him, because he's just this guy; no notable political or corporate connections.
The US considers him part of the Russian war machine – but he is a tiny cog. Last year he helped in some jungle survival training. The client was Wagner. As far as we know, and as far as the US alleges, that's it, that's his entire association.
Then there was a G7 meeting, and the US needed a press release.
2024-06-14 07:24:47

@… needs a spam filter 😕 #Zenodo #Spam

Screen capture from Zenodo with a community submission titled "I NEED AN URGENT SPELL CASTER TO BRING BACK MY EX BOYFRIEND 2024 WHATSAPP" and the usual magical bullshit about a magic priest, a phone number, e-mail, and URL. The submission was rejected by yours truly.
2024-06-14 03:23:29

Lob der Lupine
2024-06-14 07:59:54

Exakt vom 12. Juni ermittelt u.a. West-Ost-Unterschiede bei der Europawahl. Und "Humor" spielt bei jungen Wählern eine wichtige Rolle.
Webseite der Episode:
2024-06-12 23:52:53

Blinken Calls Some Hamas Changes to Gaza Cease-Fire Proposal Unworkable - The New York Times
2024-06-13 19:24:47

7/ Für Umarmungen war aber keine Zeit. WMK wurde aus der Versammlung (Pressekonferenz) ausgeschlossen, weil er was von Straftaten gesagt hatte und dann wurde die PK beendet.
WMK ging dann los. Richtung Kanzleramt. Ich wusste nicht, ob ich mein Rad mitnehmen sollte oder nicht. Aber er ging nur bis zur Straße.
Er holte einen kleinen weißen Gegenstand aus der Jacke und ich dachte: „Oh, Gott! Jetzt zündet er sich an!“ Aber es war nur Kleber. Das #Klebermitführungsverbot, das er hat, gilt ja nur für München.
2024-06-13 23:52:07

75 years ago #OTD the first primate (which also was the first mammal) was launched into #space when the male rhesus macaque monkey Albert II rose on a #V2 rocket from Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico to an altitude of 134 km - he died on impact when the parachute failed after this suborbital hop: more at and and and and and
2024-06-14 07:05:38

@… For the Edge 126.0.2592.56 release from yesterday I see the CVEs listed but they are all assigned to MS directly. Presumably these were security bugs only in their own fork of Chromium, i.e. Edge.
So Chrome (and Brave) did not have these issues and did not need to list or even mention them.
In a way it is similar to the Vivaldi release…
2024-06-11 23:14:01

Realized last night - not sure why it took so long - that the Kamiokande-style neutrino detector is based on the same idea as the gamma-ray telescope I sketched out as a grad student, intended for launch on Compton but canceled by Reagan. Not taking credit for Kamiokande, the idea's not especially clever, but in the 1970s when I was a student it took some work to convince people it (timing the arrival of Cerenkov cones) could work. In the 80s it was easier.
2024-06-13 23:34:59

I love when people want to criticize my opinions, but don't want that criticism being public. LOL. You just told me that you don't believe in your own opinion.🙄 🤦‍♂️
2024-06-14 07:55:25

One of those news outlets that often likes to use “quietly” to describe the actions of companies, published an article on Tuesday that was… trash. But it's now a 404, like it never existed.
A plea to outlets that develop their own CMS: It you're going to withdraw a story, don't just delete/404 it - replace it with a 410 and attach at least *some* editorial comment about why it's not there.
2024-06-11 23:36:48

It’s great that this is hapening but….DUH…
“Colorado’s growing approach to solving chronic homelessness: Permanent housing”
2024-06-13 02:23:07

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #AlternativeSoundsOfThe90sWithDermotOLeary
🎵 Waking Up
2024-06-14 03:23:29

Lob der Lupine
2024-06-13 03:23:05

Thermal Imaging Survey: DIY vs Professional - Learn how a thermal imaging survey can spot real problems. What does it cost? Is a trained operator useful? #thermalImaging #cutCarbon -
2024-06-13 19:10:11

6/ Normalerweise umarmen sich zum Ende eines Hungerstreiks alle und freuen sich. So war es jedenfalls 2021 bei der #LetzteGeneration.
Vielleicht gab es ja die Umarmungen zur vorigen Pressekonferenz, die ich verpasst habe, als die Pause verkündet wurde.
(Übrigens tauchte der Prinz auch dieses Mal zum Ende des Hungerstreiks auf.)
2024-06-14 07:00:02

@… Oh and one more point regarding this
> Chrome for some reason released an update without any security fixes, it makes me very suspicious
When Chrome switched to the weekly minor update process they now employ their plan was to do updates for significant breakage or security. Most of the updates do seem to have a security angle but n…
2024-06-14 04:23:21

Why the hell does the iPhone keyboard take up half the screen horizontally and disregards phone size? It's quite infuriating. I have a 6 inch phone, I don't need a 3 inch keyboard. I want to see the screen and type at the same time like I can do vertically.
#iPhone #Apple #iOS
2024-06-12 23:59:19

‘The bravest person I ever knew’: Transgender computing pioneer Lynn Conway dies at 86 | The Independent
2024-06-13 19:04:54

5/ Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick ruft zu Straftaten auf.
Hier ist meine Prognose, wie es weitergeht: WMK wird über kurz oder lang im Gefängnis landen. Er wird dort in den Hungerstreik gehen und im Gefängnis sterben, weil er dort nicht die Supporter hat, die sagen: Wir können das nicht leisten. Er hat die Rund-um-die-Uhr-Aufsicht, die im Strafvollzug üblich ist. Da es keine Zwangsernährung gibt, wird er dann sterben.
Was auch immer jetzt kommt: Es wird nicht schön.
2024-06-13 14:16:07

Damit die Dinge sich anders verhielten
2024-06-13 03:23:05

Thermal Imaging Survey: DIY vs Professional - Learn how a thermal imaging survey can spot real problems. What does it cost? Is a trained operator useful? #thermalImaging #cutCarbon -
2024-06-11 23:23:19

This has to be the *stupidest* headline I’ve read all month…
WaPo: “Is Donald Trump okay?”
No, you numpties. He hasn’t been “OK” since the mid-80s. JFC stop being so naive.
2024-06-12 23:54:34

Musk, SpaceX sued by former employees alleging harassment, retaliation
2024-06-13 16:58:54

„Ein Teil der Jugendlichen zeige sich ob der Fülle an Informationen überfordert und verdränge diese.“
Verständlich aber schade.
2024-06-12 23:53:18

Sandy Hook survivors set to graduate from high school
2024-06-13 06:10:26

Was würdet Ihr auf dem Fragebogen zur #Musterung ankreuzen?
– Ja, ich möchte bis zu 23 Monate 24 Stunden am Tag tun, was meine Vorgesetzten von mir verlangen.
– Ja, ich möchte lernen, wie man andere Menschen tötet. Mit dem Messer, Bajonett, mit Maschinenpistolen, Maschinengewehren oder als Scharfschütze durch gezielte Schüsse in den Kopf. Oder durch Handgranaten, Panzer, Bomben oder Torpedos.
– Ja, ich bin bereit als Soldat oder später Reservist für meine Regierung zu sterben, egal wie diese zusammengesetzt sein wird.
Die Skala ist 1 bis 7. Was würdet ihr wählen? Tipp: wenn alle 1 wählen, wird dennoch gemustert werden und unter den Gemusterten eingezogen werden. Wenn Ihr zwei oder drei wählt und kein anderer Lust hat, seid Ihr dran. Falls Ihr zwei oder drei wählt, seid Ihr jetzt vielleicht nicht dran, aber in fünf Jahren, weil dann alle anderen „aufgebraucht“ sind und die älteren Jahrgänge gemustert werden, die nicht 1 angegeben hatten.
2024-06-14 01:23:45

Biden reiterates he won’t pardon son Hunter after gun conviction | The Independent
2024-06-14 01:23:14

Executives of telehealth company accused of fraud that gave easy access to addictive Adderall drug - ABC News
2024-06-12 20:23:45

‘Trad-Wife’ TikToker Lilly Gaddis Axed From Job After Casually Saying N-Word
2024-06-12 19:57:45

Nancy Mace faces ethics investigation after listing her DC townhouse on VRBO as a vacation rental | The Independent
2024-06-12 09:56:07

Mir tun ja Artikel über #Nazis im #Osten immer weh, aber man muss natürlich über die Ost-Nazis auch berichten. Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie man das machen kann:!6016788
Es geht um Dorfnazis, die das Sylt-Lied grölen und nachts bei irgendwelchen Leuten klingeln. Aber eben auch um den Protest dagegen vor Ort.