Chinafake tip: if you visit frequently or have it bookmarked/favorited, you might be able to search it in Safari on iOS by adding "chinafake" before your search query! Try it out!
Carol of the Belmonts by Doctor Octoroc reimagines the Ukranian / American Carol of the Bells as a Castlevania stage.
Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Another calculated risk?
DAYNA: Try and get the sums right this time. B7B5
Robby Duguay's Silent City, a remake of the Christmas carol Silent Night in the style of the SNES game SimCity.
Duguay's 3-volume collection, 12GB of Christmas, includes many excellent 8-bit and 16-bit pastiches like this.…
Series C, Episode 09 - Sarcophagus
CALLY: [Enters] I've finished with the book screen, Dayna. You said you wanted it.
TARRANT: Ah, Cally. I've been going over that theory of yours about the teleport bracelets boosting each other. As you're aware, it doesn't make sense.…