Jordan Bardella revient sur la promesse du RN d’abroger la réforme des retraites s’il parvient au pouvoir…
Republican Voters Against Trump on X: "Cavuto: “You said that [Trump] is a populist, and an authoritarian narcissist. That character is too important to me and it's a job that requires the kind of character he just doesn't have. That's pretty strong.” Paul Ryan: “Yeah. That's the way I feel. I agree with that.”…
#Språkrådet har fått nye nettsider
Disse er ser ut til å være laget i WordP…
Rheinmetall, Kyiv agree to start producing Lynx armored vehicles in Ukraine in 2024:
“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
— Pablo Picasso
Agree, disagree — be inspired or not.
QOTD is fuel for conversation, and food for thought.
#Adobe "rapes" the digital rights of all of their customers and steals everything what you upload to their tools for their own purpose, taking all of your tools and current data as a hostage until you agree:
This cloud architecture is fascinating.
1. Secure the hardware supply chain.
2. Rely on secure boot and the trust cache to assure loaded software.
3. Remove code that provide access in and out of the runtime.
4. Rely on per-boot on-disk encryption keys to secure data on Flash.
5. Generate per-node public/private key pairs for data exchange with client.
6. Rely on Secure Enclave to hide private keys from runtime.
7. Rely on 3rd party load balancers to batch…