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2024-05-26 20:45:35

Researchers find that GPT-4 outperforms human analysts in predicting future corporate earnings growth even when provided only with financial statements (Michael Nuñez/VentureBeat)
2024-04-25 17:35:37

Qual seria a tradução de "wishful thinking" em português?
O sentido é acreditar em uma hipótese ou previsão porque as consequências são agradšveis, e não por qualquer anšlise racional.
Por exemplo, um cara sinceramente acreditando que a ação da Tesla vai subir só porque ele investiu muito na Tesla, sem ver dados de produção, vendas, lucros etc.
É mais forte que "otimismo".
2024-05-26 00:05:54

Agreed, except for “summarization” of text that I haven’t read (e.g. “summarize this financial report for me”), because there is no way to tell if the summary is accurate and does not omit important elements.
I think Microsoft Copilot for helping coders has legs. Coding problems tend to be the same set of queries repeated over and over, with slight variations in theme: perfect for LLMs.
2024-04-26 13:57:44

Another good joinder decision out of the NDIL, this time from Judge Pacold:

For the reasons described below, plaintiff’s motion for leave to amend the complaint, [9] is granted to the extent that it seeks leave to file an amended complaint that does not assert claims under U.S. Patent No. D994376 (the “D’376 Patent”). However, the dismissal of plaintiff’s claims under the D’376 Patent only partially resolves the issues of improper joinder in this case. Although plaintiff’s claims asserted under plaintiff’s other patent, U.S. Patent No. D994362 (the “D’362 Patent”…
2024-05-25 15:42:05

Media: Western intelligence sees 'gloomy' outlook for Ukraine, 'major' losses of territory in 2024:
2024-05-26 20:45:35

Researchers find that GPT-4 outperforms human analysts in predicting future corporate earnings growth even when provided only with financial statements (Michael Nuñez/VentureBeat)
2024-05-26 07:49:03

Rechtsextreme Symbolik und Sprache: Die Schamschwelle ist weg - Die Grenze des Sagbaren ist offensichtlich wirklich verschoben worden
Party People gröhlen auf Sylt rechtsextreme, ausländerfeindliche Parolen. Doch das ist kein einzelner Ausrutscher. Bisher Unsagbares wird jetzt vielerorts öffentlich gesagt. Die Schamschwelle scheint weg zu sein.
2024-04-24 13:59:42

Login. And the toot at the very top today is this piece of news from @… -
2024-04-25 15:08:36

Welcoming Pixium Vision's PRIMA retinal prosthesis to Science #Science has agreed to acquire assets from
2024-04-25 05:21:00

Tesla Optimus Bot: Musk äußert sich optimistisch zu Verkaufsbeginn
Tesla-Chef Elon Musk ist optimistisch, was den Roboter Optimus Bot betrifft. Er soll bald in Tesla-Fabriken eingesetzt werden, der Verkauf soll schnell folgen.