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2024-01-29 08:26:23

Online anonymity: study found ‘stable pseudonyms’ created a more civil environment than real user names 
'What matters, it seems, is not so much whether you are commenting anonymously, but whether you are invested in your persona and accountable for its behaviour in that particular forum. There seems to be value in enabling people to speak on forums without their comments being connected, via their real names, to other contexts.
...calls to end anonymity online by forcing pe…
2024-03-28 16:58:30

Ammonium-rich bright areas on #Ceres demonstrate complex chemical activity: -> The discovery of a new ammonium salt on the dwarf planet Ceres confirms a complex chemical activity:
2024-03-28 11:00:08

email_eu: Email network (EU research inst.)
An email network (anonymized) from a large European research institution, collected from October 2003 to May 2005 (18 months). Each node corresponds to an email address, and a directed edge exists between nodes i and j, if i sent at least one message to j.
This network has 265214 nodes and 420045 edges.
Tags: Social, Communication, Unweighted

email_eu: Email network (EU research inst.). 265214 nodes, 420045 edges.
2024-02-27 20:52:47

Also weil das bisher niemand in den Medienberichten zusammenzupuzzlen scheint: Wegen Daniela Klette, es gab da letztes Jahr einen Podcast. Der hatte einen Hinweis auf sie aus dem Umfeld von Anonymous, aber das war vermutlich ein Fehlalarm. Aber der hat dann weiterrecherchiert und jemand mit einer Internet-KI-Bildersuche nach ihr suchen lassen. Und hat sie damit wohl gefunden.
2024-03-26 15:12:06

People seem to think both that technology is magical and also that software engineers in Silicon Valley are priests of that religion but I am here to tell you they believed such "logic" as me having a PhD in applied physics meaning I had a degree in philosophy and continuously repeat things anonymous right wing trolls posted on my anonymous Twitter as facts
2024-03-23 23:48:21

Does the EU's proposal to ban cryptocurrency payments to anonymous hosted wallets also pertain to hosted wallets that are not anonymous, e.g. have gone through full AML/KYC checks?
If so then at @… we'd probably have to stop accepting bitcoin payments. I don't like bitcoin but some customers do rely on it to pay so I keep it working for them.
2024-03-22 01:36:03

Changing policy, X bans the posting of real names of people behind anonymous accounts, after it suspended accounts that unmasked a suspected neo-Nazi cartoonist (David Ingram/NBC News)
2024-01-29 10:15:20

Anamanaguchi - The C R T Woods [Rock]
2024-03-23 23:48:21

Does the EU's proposal to ban cryptocurrency payments to anonymous hosted wallets also pertain to hosted wallets that are not anonymous, e.g. have gone through full AML/KYC checks?
If so then at @… we'd probably have to stop accepting bitcoin payments. I don't like bitcoin but some customers do rely on it to pay so I keep it working for them.
2024-01-29 09:52:46

Anamanaguchi - Endless Fantasy [hyperpop]