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2024-04-24 11:35:28

Bizarre herbicide regulations in the EU, UK and US mean that a largely safe weedkiller can't be sold but carcinogenic, systemic glyphosate can.
Where's my Brexit dividend?
Ammonium Sulphamate Weed Killer Banned! - Allotment Garden Diary
2024-03-26 15:12:06

People seem to think both that technology is magical and also that software engineers in Silicon Valley are priests of that religion but I am here to tell you they believed such "logic" as me having a PhD in applied physics meaning I had a degree in philosophy and continuously repeat things anonymous right wing trolls posted on my anonymous Twitter as facts
2024-04-25 21:31:46

2024-03-26 12:12:58

"Wiener Polizeibeamte sollen künftig keine Geschenke Russlands mehr annehmen. Das teilte ein Sprecher der Landespolizeidirektion Wien mit, nachdem mehrere Polizisten beim Verlassen der russischen Botschaft mit Geschenksäcken gesehen worden waren. Das sei keine Verfehlung gewesen, hinterlasse aber einen unerwünschten Eindruck.
[...] Sie wollten sich an Ort und Stelle nicht dazu äußern, ob es üblich sei, in der russischen Botschaft Geschenke anzunehmen."
2024-03-23 23:48:21

Does the EU's proposal to ban cryptocurrency payments to anonymous hosted wallets also pertain to hosted wallets that are not anonymous, e.g. have gone through full AML/KYC checks?
If so then at @… we'd probably have to stop accepting bitcoin payments. I don't like bitcoin but some customers do rely on it to pay so I keep it working for them.
2024-03-27 06:33:14

The real problem with anonymity (04 Mar 2024) by @…
2024-03-22 01:36:03

Changing policy, X bans the posting of real names of people behind anonymous accounts, after it suspended accounts that unmasked a suspected neo-Nazi cartoonist (David Ingram/NBC News)
2024-04-25 22:00:41

facebook_friends: Maier Facebook friends (2014)
A small anonymized Facebook ego network, from April 2014. Nodes are Facebook profiles, and an edge exists if the two profiles are "friends" on Facebook. Metadata gives the social context for the relationship between ego and alter.
This network has 362 nodes and 1988 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

facebook_friends: Maier Facebook friends (2014). 362 nodes, 1988 edges.
2024-03-23 23:48:21

Does the EU's proposal to ban cryptocurrency payments to anonymous hosted wallets also pertain to hosted wallets that are not anonymous, e.g. have gone through full AML/KYC checks?
If so then at @… we'd probably have to stop accepting bitcoin payments. I don't like bitcoin but some customers do rely on it to pay so I keep it working for them.
2024-02-26 21:00:05

facebook_friends: Maier Facebook friends (2014)
A small anonymized Facebook ego network, from April 2014. Nodes are Facebook profiles, and an edge exists if the two profiles are "friends" on Facebook. Metadata gives the social context for the relationship between ego and alter.
This network has 362 nodes and 1988 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

facebook_friends: Maier Facebook friends (2014). 362 nodes, 1988 edges.