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2024-04-24 11:35:28

Bizarre herbicide regulations in the EU, UK and US mean that a largely safe weedkiller can't be sold but carcinogenic, systemic glyphosate can.
Where's my Brexit dividend?
Ammonium Sulphamate Weed Killer Banned! - Allotment Garden Diary

DuckDuckGo settings:
🔸AI Chat BETA - AI Chat lets you have anonymous conversations with 3rd-party AI chat models. Turning this off will hide the AI Chat feature on DuckDuckGo Search. You can still access AI Chat when this setting is off by visiting
🔸DuckAssist BETA - Automatically shows DuckAssist for relevant searches. DuckAssist can anonymously look up and summarize information in response to some searches. For now, DuckAssist is only available in English…
2024-04-25 21:31:46

2024-04-25 22:00:41

facebook_friends: Maier Facebook friends (2014)
A small anonymized Facebook ego network, from April 2014. Nodes are Facebook profiles, and an edge exists if the two profiles are "friends" on Facebook. Metadata gives the social context for the relationship between ego and alter.
This network has 362 nodes and 1988 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

facebook_friends: Maier Facebook friends (2014). 362 nodes, 1988 edges.
2024-04-25 22:45:34

Politico: US to announce new $6 billion weapons contract for Ukraine:
2024-04-24 15:55:51

Bis Ende 2024 kommt der neue Verkehrsverbund im Allgäu
Im Allgäu soll in den nächsten Monaten ein Tarifverbund für Busse und Bahnen Gestalt annehmen. Das macht diesen neuen Verkehrsverbund so besonders.
2024-04-26 16:47:07

Ich höre grade ein buch, das Anonym heisst. Darin geht es um einen irren, der über ein eigenes forum eine liste von menschen zum voten postet. Mit der polizei spielt er katz und maus.
Ich frage mich ob sowas auch in wirklichkeit passieren könnte ?
#hörbuch #psycho
2024-05-20 22:28:16

Då den här tråden fick viss fart på olika sociala medier gjorde jag ett blogginlägg av den.
Om SD:s anonyma konton, Argentina och dåliga deepfakes.
2024-05-26 03:19:54

#NowPlaying Originally released in 1981, “Punkanachrock” is a unique artifact of Japanese music counterculture from the 1970s. #AnodeCathode were an anonymous group, associated with #TheFifthColumn
2024-05-26 14:38:18

FSB initiates major purge within Russian Defense Ministry: top brass under arrest amidst Ukraine conflict fallout: