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2024-04-26 15:25:08

knife feelings
"knife feelings"
2024-04-25 19:16:06

Man who fatally shot former Saints star Will Smith receives 25-year prison sentence
2024-04-27 06:57:23

Too late for #LetterboxdFriday? Maybe a little bit... Anyway here are my #LastFourWatched
🔹Huesera (3½★)
🔹Man on the Moon (3½★)
🔹The Menu (3½★)
🔹Strange Way of Life (4★)

Posters of my last 4 watched movies as described in the post.
2024-05-27 08:18:23

How golf contributes to rehabilitation The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused not only the destruction of infrastructure and the economy but also left a significant mark on the psychological portrait Source :

Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass asked whether a woman’s story about an affair with a married candidate would do well.
“That would have been kind of like National Enquirer gold?”
Pecker said yes.
But, Steinglass continued: “At the time you had entered into that agreement [with McDougal], you had zero intention of publishing that story?”
Steinglass pressed: “Despite the fact that publishing it would help your bottom line, you killed it to help the candidate, Donald Trump?”
2024-05-27 03:01:59

Hey! I've been doing a lot of work stuff. Senior engineer slash engineering manager life. But I'm really fucking pumped that the FCC is moving to restore net neutrality in the US. You might be able to tell how pumped I am from the *checks notes* meme I just found on my NAS, that I made in 2017, when I felt there weren't enough net neutrality memes on the internet :)

A comic strip depicting a class with a cool teacher wearing sunglasses.

Teacher: "Okay class, net neutrality is now a school subject so it's time to save the interwebs. Let's start with an example, who wants to go first? José! Get up here. If some paid shill caught your eye, what would you say?"

José: "I hope you enjoy shamefully calling your ISP to buy the 'access to PornHub' package"

Teacher is surrounded by flames and wipes off sweat with an :O face, then slams an A+ stamp on José many ti…
2024-04-25 19:11:05

we need Kiwamu Miyakubo on the Fediverse

A real video of a man fading into a room, pulling out a Japanese sword (Katana) from its shaft, then flames and sparkles going everywhere. The video is by Kiwamu Miyakubo who is a flame artist.
2024-04-26 16:40:50

Hinweis für #NextCloud Admins: Mit Version 28 wurden einige Scripte von .js auf .mjs umgestellt. Sollte euer Webserver die Endung nicht kennen und das als text/html statt application/javascript einstufen knallt es.
Zum Testen: curl -I https://your.nextcloud.tld/apps/settings/js/esm-test.mjs
Für nginx: mjs für application/javascript in der mime.types im Config-Ordner ergänzen.<…
2024-04-25 19:16:06

Man who fatally shot former Saints star Will Smith receives 25-year prison sentence
2024-04-24 22:27:40

Polish defense minister: Poland ready to help Ukraine get its military-aged men back: