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2024-05-26 20:42:47

Following a recent $2 billion settlement with cryptocurrency companies, New York Attorney General Letitia James warned similar companies on Saturday to "play by the same rules."
Letitia James Issues New Warning…

War cabinet member Benny Gantz on Saturday canceled a news conference planned for the evening, during which he was expected to announce his National Unity party was leaving the government.
In a May 18 speech, Gantz issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding the premier present an agreed-upon vision for Gaza’s post-war governance.
If Netanyahu failed to do so by June 8, the former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff threatened to pull his centrist Nationa…
2024-05-07 20:42:19

As I work today I'm listening to the soundtrack from the 1982 Conan the Barbarian film that was composed by Basil Poledouris. Things are feeling fairly barbaric at the moment here in the Arizona desert

The cover art for the soundtrack for the 1982 Conan the Barbarian film, the classic art from the poster. Conan is standing with a helmet and his sword stretched to the sky, and Valeria kneeling with her sword point to the ground on the rock in front of him. An epic piece by Renato Casaro.
2024-06-07 16:36:59

:kitten: Say hello to the new Kitten web site! 🎉
Like Kitten itself, it’s a baby but will be evolving quickly as they approach API version 1 together.
PS. Of course it’s written in Kitten itself. It doesn’t do anything fancy but here…

Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site at

Title: Kitten

Nav: Home, Tutorials, Reference, Credits, FAQ, Fund Us

A 💕 Small Web development kit.

Build using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Progressively enhance with Streaming HTML and htmx.
Go beyond traditional web apps to create peer-to-peer 💕 Small Web apps.
Free as in freedom, small as in Small Technology.

Callout with pink background:  🍼 Kitten is still a baby. Expect breaking changes until API versio…
Screenshot of Kitten web site; main page, scrolled with the System requirements collapsible area under the Get started heading open:

System requirements

- Linux, macOS, and Windows (WSL 2).
- Bash version 5.x+.
- Common developer tools and system utilities (git, tar, tee, and xz).

Heading: Install
Tabs: Linux (selected), macOS, Windows

Selected Linux tab:
Run the following command in a terminal window (or, use curl):

wget -qO- | bash

Copy button
Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site, scrolled to the Play section showing a video of yours truly (white-passing guy with short brown hair and glasses in a room lit with a blue-lit background. I’m looking at two windows superimposed on my screen. Top window is a browser with a tab titled Counter. In it is a counter at 5 with plus and minus buttons. Under it is an editor showing the code for the counter component that rendered it:

const Count = () => kitten.html`
Screenshot of a tutorial page (Index > 6. Kitten’s interactive Shell (REPL) 🐢) on the Kitten web site.

A callout is partially visible under the title/breadcrumb navigation:

Explore Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL) to inspect your database and get introduced to the concept of Kitten components.

Topics covered
How to launch and use Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL).
Exploring the global kitten object.

The heading and navigation is the same as in the first screenshot.
2024-06-04 14:38:49

Big #FreeCAD news!
Feature freeze for FreeCAD 1.0 is now on. If you have held back from trying development builds, please consider running weekly development builds starting this week and filing clear bug reports.
2024-06-06 05:19:08

I continue to progress and enjoy the Adrift Expedition in No Man's Sky. I have acquired a couple more starships to go along with the basic ass hauler I started with. The Solar Ship came by way of the Phase 2 "find a crashed ship and repair it" milestone. Oddly enough, I could swear I got one with the same name in the last Expedition I played through. I've been carrying around some odd thing in my inventory almost since I started, and finally used it and had a Sentinel ship …

Looking at the front end of a yellow space ship. It is named The Hammer of Clouds. There's a large semicircular but in a square way vent in the nose. Two very large pointed black nacelles are on either side of the main body of the ship. A blacked out cockpit sticks out of the middle of the main body. The ship is sitting slightly sideways on a very green section of the planet I'm on. A very pale green/blue sky with white clouds forms the background behind the ship.
The Sentinel Ship, as seen from the game's menu screen. This one is called Flameborn-tx, although the "tx" part is in an odd font. on the left you can see the tech/cargo slots of the ship. On the right is the ship itself, a very pointy black affair that's kinda hard to accurately describe, honestly. It's basically a flying wing looking thing, with 3 spider leg looking landing gears. the wing is thick, and on each end is a box shaped appendage. The center cockpit section has no windows and is on…
2024-05-31 04:05:11

Can we put this on a poster? t-Shirts?
“Trump … His face flushed while he gripped his son Eric Trump’s hand before walking out of the courtroom.”
(Wall Street Journal)
This is the first time I have read something that makes him sound vulnerable, stricken.
And I like it.
I like it a LOT

A screenshot of the article in the Washington Post. Reads:

Donald Trump became the first former president ever convicted of a crime, with a Manhattan jury finding him guilty Thursday of 34 felonies for falsifying records to cover up hush money paid to a porn star.
The historic verdict, stemming from conduct that took place around Trump’s remarkable run to the presidency in 2016, could threaten his 2024 bid to return to the White House. Trump can still run and his poll numbers remained steady d…
2024-06-13 07:19:18

A Game Theoretic Analysis of the Three-Gambler Ruin Game
Ath. Kehagias, G. Gkyzis, A. Karakoulakis, A. Kyprianidis
2024-05-06 19:37:45

Women’s Rights Are Essential to Democracy. Why Do Philanthropists Treat Investments in Women as a Special Interest? - Ms. Magazine
2024-05-03 17:09:53

Cowboys rookie Cooper Beebe points out two of his nastiest career highlights