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2024-04-26 18:13:42

Ich genieße es, in der Stadt jetzt häufiger passiv durch die aromatischen Hanfduftschwaden zu flanieren.
2024-04-24 17:02:36

Sitting in on the #Swift Server Side Meetup stream right now.
2024-03-26 10:42:14

Mit dem Hashtag #spaziare zur Theorie und Praxis des Spazierens, Wanderns und Flanierens: "Die Menschen können nichts um sich herum sehen, was nicht ihr Gesicht ist, alles spricht zu ihnen von ihnen selbst. Selbst ihre Landschaft ist beseelt." Von Guy Debord, Karl Marx zitierend, recherchiert aus Marx Engels Werke MEW 4, S. 64 (dort bisher nicht gefunden, s.,…
2024-04-24 07:43:13

Frankfurt! Im Mai zeigt das Filmmuseum eine sehr schöne Reihe mit Filmen zum D-Day. Eigentlich ist jeder davon ein Knaller. Die meisten Filme werden von klugen Menschen eingeführt (und einer von mir).
2024-03-20 00:33:37

Very glad to see this happening. The community has long recognized that the Geary Expressway is a wall between neighborhoods. Even with the BRT improvements in the Japantown area, Geary is not a pleasant road to cross.
2024-03-20 00:33:37

Very glad to see this happening. The community has long recognized that the Geary Expressway is a wall between neighborhoods. Even with the BRT improvements in the Japantown area, Geary is not a pleasant road to cross.
2024-03-23 01:30:26

It cost only $3.50 to see #TheClash, #Zeros and #NegativeTrend in San Frandisco in 1979!
2024-04-25 07:28:55
Content warning: Virginia Woolf’s suicide note

So touching.
“I feel certain I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do.”
2024-04-22 07:04:29

FlyNeRF: NeRF-Based Aerial Mapping for High-Quality 3D Scene Reconstruction
Maria Dronova, Vladislav Cheremnykh, Alexey Kotcov, Aleksey Fedoseev, Dzmitry Tsetserukou
2024-03-23 01:30:26

It cost only $3.50 to see #TheClash, #Zeros and #NegativeTrend in San Frandisco in 1979!