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2024-03-27 06:09:00

Twitter-Alternative Truth Social: Börsengang bringt Trump potenziell Milliarden
Nur wenige Tage nach der Freigabe ist Trump Media an die Börse gegangen. Für die Aktien ging es steil nach oben. Das könnte Donald Trump Milliarden einbringen.
2024-04-26 06:34:56

Underbar story. Måste läsas.
2024-02-26 19:05:21

Atención! Voy a coger un tren en Extremadura! #prayForEleder #EleTren
2024-02-26 09:20:02

"As documented by the rights organisation, on Sunday 25 February, Israeli forces killed 30 Palestinians while they were waiting for relief trucks in the vicinity of the Nabulsi roundabout on Al-Rashid Street, southwest of Gaza City."
Israel turns ‘safe’ corridor to #Gaza’s south into trap to kill hungry, forcibly displaced Palestinians
2024-02-27 11:50:08

I know some good reasons exist for "unlimited billing -> forgive by virality," but it still stinks. People can seriously get hurt by receiving absurd bills. Even if it is a mistake. Even if "we forgive the bill anyway all the time."
2024-03-27 07:03:46

habe gelesen dass der fragebogen für den einbürgerungstest neue fragen bekommen soll
bin dadurch auf dem online musterfragebogen gelandet
die fragen & antwortmöglichkeiten sind gold

"aufgabe 7 von 33

was bedeutet die abkürzung CDU in deutschland?

a) christlich deutsche union
b) club deutscher unternehmer
c) christlicher deutscher umweltschutz
d) christlich demokratische union"
2024-02-26 19:05:21

Atención! Voy a coger un tren en Extremadura! #prayForEleder #EleTren
2024-03-26 12:22:11

We need more free/libre games!
2024-04-27 16:00:08

“Stay positive. Forgive others. Invest in yourself. Trust your instincts. Lead with an open heart. Don’t let others ruin your day. Do things that bring you joy. Be of service to humanity. Find your soul tribe. Love yourself.”
— Lewis Howes
Agree, disagree — be inspired or not.
QOTD is fuel for conversation, and food for thought.
2024-04-27 16:00:08

“Stay positive. Forgive others. Invest in yourself. Trust your instincts. Lead with an open heart. Don’t let others ruin your day. Do things that bring you joy. Be of service to humanity. Find your soul tribe. Love yourself.”
— Lewis Howes
Agree, disagree — be inspired or not.
QOTD is fuel for conversation, and food for thought.