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2024-04-01 09:32:00

Neuer Rekord in der Fusionsforschung: Südkoreanischer KSTAR erreicht Meilenstein
Fortschritt in der Fusionsenergieforschung: KSTAR erreicht 48 Sekunden Plasma-Stabilität bei 100 Millionen Grad.
2024-02-29 06:40:36

Researchers detail an ongoing repo confusion attack impacting 100K GitHub repos, which involves cloning existing repos and infecting them with malware loaders (Dan Goodin/Ars Technica)
2024-03-31 16:00:09

lkml_thread: Linux kernel mailing list
A bipartite network of contributions by users to threads on the Linux kernel mailing list. A left node is a person, and a right node is a thread, and each timestamped edge (i,j,t) denotes that user i contributed to thread j at time t. The date of the snapshot is not given.
This network has 379554 nodes and 1565683 edges.
Tags: Social, Communication, Unweighted, Timestamps

lkml_thread: Linux kernel mailing list. 379554 nodes, 1565683 edges.
2024-04-02 04:17:00

Das könnte irgendwann ja mal werden mit der Energiegewinnung ohne Abfallstoffe? Ob ich es erlebe?
2024-04-01 07:35:41

Draw-and-Understand: Leveraging Visual Prompts to Enable MLLMs to Comprehend What You Want
Weifeng Lin, Xinyu Wei, Ruichuan An, Peng Gao, Bocheng Zou, Yulin Luo, Siyuan Huang, Shanghang Zhang, Hongsheng Li
2024-04-02 01:30:04

El desconocido negocio inmobiliario que reportó $4.200 millones a la familia del senador Fidel Espinoza y su nexo con constructora
2024-02-29 22:45:32

As announced earlier, TechCrunch ends paid subscriptions for TechCrunch on March 1, and all previously paywalled articles will be publicly available (Jacquelyn Melinek/@jacqmelinek)
2024-03-02 04:31:28

#GitHub is under attack.
“The flow of the campaign is simple:
1. Cloning existing repos (for example: TwitterFollowBot, WhatsappBOT, discord-boost-tool, Twitch-Follow-Bot, and hundreds more)
2. Infecting them with malware loaders
3. Uploading them back to GitHub with identical names
4. Automatically forking each thousands of times
5. Covertly promoting them across the …
2024-03-31 16:00:09

lkml_thread: Linux kernel mailing list
A bipartite network of contributions by users to threads on the Linux kernel mailing list. A left node is a person, and a right node is a thread, and each timestamped edge (i,j,t) denotes that user i contributed to thread j at time t. The date of the snapshot is not given.
This network has 379554 nodes and 1565683 edges.
Tags: Social, Communication, Unweighted, Timestamps

lkml_thread: Linux kernel mailing list. 379554 nodes, 1565683 edges.
2024-04-02 04:17:00

Das könnte irgendwann ja mal werden mit der Energiegewinnung ohne Abfallstoffe? Ob ich es erlebe?