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2024-03-04 07:26:50

Transcription and translation of videos using fine-tuned XLSR Wav2Vec2 on custom dataset and mBART
Aniket Tathe, Anand Kamble, Suyash Kumbharkar, Atharva Bhandare, Anirban C. Mitra
2024-02-14 17:09:29

Quel horreur.
Ihr wisst, was zu tun ist.
Höflich, begründet, nicht zu lang.…

Screenshot: Text "Zu Gast am 15. Februar 2024"

Je mit Porträtfoto:
Kevin Kühnert
MdB, Generalsekretär

Jens Spahn
MdB, stellvertretender Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion

Sahra Wagenknecht 
MdB, zusammen mit Amira Mohamed Ali Vorsitzende der Partei „Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht“

Beatrix von Storch
MdB, stellvertretende Bundestagsfraktionsvorsitzende
2024-03-25 03:24:52

Once again using as part of my creative process
2024-05-03 16:14:02

Solchen Arschlöchern bitte für ca. 10 Jahre den #Führerschein abnehmen. Danach #MPU und neu machen. #BadOeYnhausen

Thank you SO much, and @… !
These women were hard-working powerful, true-believers. This article is GREAT. This is a very cool gift.
2024-03-01 02:00:31

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1:
- Good vibes only
Do you already feel a bit happier? Yay!
Relisten now 👇
2024-04-22 12:00:29

Join Daniele Antuzi at this year's Berlin Buzzwords to explore the architecture and implementation of a serverless MapReduce indexer designed for Apache Solr, but extendable to any search engine. Learn the principles of MapReduce, a programming model for processing large datasets, and how to adapt it for indexing documents in Apache Solr. #bbuzz

Talk - Blazing-Fast Serverless MapReduce Indexer for Apache Solr
Photograph of Daniele Antuzi
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,
2024-05-01 08:10:41

Juten Maifeiertach allerseits ☕
2024-03-01 07:06:16

Refraction, the speed of light and minimal action: From Descartes to Maupertuis through many more
Shahen Hacyan