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2024-04-15 00:07:57

VS CodeでLF, CRLF, CRを表示するにはエクステンションが必要だったのね。今までどこかの設定がおかしくて表示できなかったんだと思い込んでた。
2024-05-14 20:28:02

It is a fascinating field of study for me. Why some staggeringly complex tasks can be done at 120fps but it still takes me 30 seconds to render the login page at my bank.
2024-04-13 19:50:48

Upsides of using 3D rendering software from 1997 to make abstract art: self-evident
Downsides: it all renders on a single CPU core
2024-05-14 14:00:44

The Brains Blog || Reinterpreting Neurocomputational Models
2024-03-14 19:55:37

And here comes an - independent - reconstruction of where the (debris of the) #Starship should have ended up today in the Indian Ocean: (unlikely that anyone witnessed and/or recorded this).
2024-03-15 05:06:25

"Globale #Methan-Emissionen sind noch einmal gestiegen
Methan verursacht rund 30 Prozent der globalen Erwärmung. Das #Klimagas entsteht etwa bei der #Rinderzucht oder der
2024-03-13 10:00:00

Von harten Keksen und weichen Marshmallows: Haptik vermitteln in der Robotik
Menschen fühlen Weichheit unterschiedlich. Ein Softness Rendering Interface muss das berücksichtigen, wenn es die Weichheit von Objekten digital vermittelt.
2024-05-15 03:25:40

El Salvador has mined 473.5 bitcoins worth ~$29M since 2021 thanks to a volcano-fueled geothermal power plant, bringing its total bitcoin portfolio to ~$354M (Nelson Renteria/Reuters)
2024-03-15 13:23:52

ich lade alle meine programme immer bei runter
2024-03-13 20:18:56

New in Kitten¹: Markdown fragments
You can now write your Markdown in separate files and `import()` them as if they were JavaScript modules, just like you can with HTML and CSS fragments.
And while they don’t support props, they do support slots (including named slots, which you can use as poor man’s props.)
:kitten: 💕

Screenshot of code open in Helix Editor (active tab:, inactive tabs:,,

import Markup from './Markup.fragment.html'
import Styles from './Styles.fragment.css'
import Markdown from './'

export default () => kitten.html
  <page css>
  <${Markup} />

    <content for='title'>This is the title</content>
    <content for='date'>${new Date()}</content>
    <button>I’ve been slotted in.</but…
Screenshot of code for

## And this is from a markdown file

As is this.

- Title: __${SLOT.title}__
- Date: __${}__


And the content above was slotted into a markdown file.
Screenshot of code for Markup.fragment.html:

  <h1>This is from an HTML fragment.</h1>
  <p>As is this.</p>
Screenshot of the resulting page, rendered in a web browser:

H1: This is from an HTML fragment.

Paragraph: As is this.

H2: And this is from a markdown file

Paragraph: As is this.

List item: Title: This is the title

List item: Date: Wed Mar 13 2024 20:07:03 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)

Button: I’ve been slotted in.

Paragraph: And the content above was slotted into a markdown file.