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2024-05-17 12:00:05

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 16 nodes and 15 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 16 nodes, 15 edges.
2024-05-14 08:00:05

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 21 nodes and 31 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 21 nodes, 31 edges.
2024-05-21 15:16:15

All these discussions, laws, and regulations about this or that on "the Internet" (with or without an upper case "i") yet few of those discussions, laws, and regulations bother to actually define what they mean by the word "Internet".
I'm a grey-beard techie, on the net since the ARPAnet days, and to me internet technology is about end-to-end best effort moving IP (v4 or v6) packets from one IP address bearing interface to another.
A lot of peopl…
2024-05-03 01:00:04

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 16 nodes and 18 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 16 nodes, 18 edges.
2024-05-03 01:00:04

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 16 nodes and 18 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 16 nodes, 18 edges.
2024-04-03 04:00:05

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 20 nodes and 30 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 20 nodes, 30 edges.
2024-04-01 11:00:04

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 7 nodes and 6 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 7 nodes, 6 edges.
2024-04-23 23:00:04

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 25 nodes and 24 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 25 nodes, 24 edges.
2024-05-24 07:00:04

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 25 nodes and 26 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 25 nodes, 26 edges.