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2024-03-06 06:52:57

Pre-trained Model-based Actionable Warning Identification: A Feasibility Study
Xiuting Ge, Chunrong Fang, Quanjun Zhang, Daoyuan Wu, Bowen Yu, Qirui Zheng, An Guo, Shangwei Lin, Zhihong Zhao, Yang Liu, Zhenyu Chen
2024-05-06 08:27:45

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2024-02-08 01:12:36

The identification of #airbursts in the past - insights from the BIT-58 layer: #asteroid may have exploded over #Antarctica about 2.5 million years ago: - bits of rock may point to the oldest known midair asteroid disintegration.
2024-05-07 06:53:51

Solution for Authenticity Identification of Typical Target Remote Sensing Images
Yipeng Lin, Xinger Li, Yang Yang
2024-03-07 07:12:26

Linear and nonlinear system identification under $\ell_1$- and group-Lasso regularization via L-BFGS-B
Alberto Bemporad
2024-05-07 07:18:50

Data-Driven Model Identification Near a Supercritical Hopf Bifurcation Using Phase-Based Approaches
Dan Wilson
2024-05-07 09:32:04

Mint Mobile has added scam call identification! Saves me money per year having to rely on a 3rd party app.
2024-03-07 08:24:47

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2024-04-08 00:50:55

there are at least a couple of uploads of PROJECT MOON BASE on youtube, which is handy if you have youtube premium. one is stretched wide, like the copy, but another one is taped from a tv broadcast and has the right aspect ratio, but it has about a minute or so of station identification at the start. be sure to skip the intro if watching that copy! #monsterdon
2024-03-06 07:00:07

SLICK: Strong Lensing Identification of Candidates Kindred in gravitational wave data
Sourabh Magare, Anupreeta More, Sunil Choudary
2024-05-07 08:43:22

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2024-04-04 08:37:24

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Will I be asked to show an ID when voting?
Some form of identification is requested upon voting in 36 states. In 14 states and Washington, D.C., no form of ID is requested to vote.
The stricter requirements ahead of Tuesday’s primary elections were years in the making.
North Carolina’s law, passed in 2018, was blocked three years later by the state Supreme Court, which ruled the law was “motivated at least in part by an unconstitutional intent to target African American vot…
2024-04-04 07:26:51

Deterministic Identification Codes for Fading Channels
Ilya Vorobyev, Christian Deppe, Holger Boche
2024-05-06 08:29:53

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2024-03-03 22:00:55

Map: 29 million Americans live under new voter ID laws put in place since 2020 (Catherine Allen/NBC News)
2024-05-06 08:32:18

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2024-03-06 08:31:00

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2024-03-07 08:29:37

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2024-03-07 06:57:42

HoLens: A Visual Analytics Design for Higher-order Movement Modeling and Visualization
Zezheng Feng, Fang Zhu, Hongjun Wang, Jianing Hao, ShuangHua Yang, Wei Zeng, Huamin Qu
2024-03-06 07:00:07

SLICK: Strong Lensing Identification of Candidates Kindred in gravitational wave data
Sourabh Magare, Anupreeta More, Sunil Choudary
2024-05-07 08:57:11

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2024-05-07 08:44:24

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2024-05-07 08:49:36

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2024-05-05 18:13:42

Predictive processing also sheds considerable light on a wide range of typical and atypical forms of human experience. A good starting point is to notice that there are two very broad ways for such processing to go wrong. The first is for the brain to underweight predictions and expectations. This will make it hard to detect faint but predictable patterns in a noisy or ambiguous environment. But the second general way to go wrong is for the brain to overweight expectations. In extreme cases, overweighting results in hallucinations. You seem to see and hear things that aren't there, just because […] they are at some level strongly expected.
Autism spectrum condition was initially thought to reflect a specific imbalance of the first kind — a systematic underweighting of prior expectations. […] Underweighting prior knowledge would make weak or elusive patterns hard to detect, and hard to learn too. Such patterns would include things like facial expressions, intonation, or body language, things that delicately hint, in context, at other people's mental states and attitudes. An imbalance of that kind would also make it very hard to learn these patterns in the first place, and even harder to recognize them in situations that are complicated or ambiguous. Recent evidence casts subtle doubt, however, on this bald initial hypothesis. Rather than weakened predictions, intriguing evidence is emerging that suggests that the core issue involves (not underweighting knowledge-based predictions but) actively overweighting the incoming sensory evidence.
She doesn't just feel "hunger," instead the more fine-grained specifics of the bodily signals dominate. You are feeling a whole lot of something — but what is it? According to the overweighted sensory information theory, autism spectrum condition individuals constantly encounter an excess of highly detailed and apparently very salient sensory information of this kind, coming from both inside their own body and the outside world. This sensory excess impedes the moment-by-moment identification of the broader context or scenario (in this case, hunger). In other words, the emphasis on every aspect of sensory detail effectively makes it impossible to spot the larger forest for the trees.
(Andy Clark, The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality)
2024-05-06 07:14:53

Identification of SNPs in genomes using GRAMEP, an alignment-free method based on the Principle of Maximum Entropy
Matheus Henrique Pimenta-Zanon, Andr\'e Yoshiaki Kashiwabara, Andr\'e Lu\'is Laforga Vanzela, Fabricio Martins Lopes
2024-03-06 07:16:14

Searching for globular clusters in the inner halo of the Circinus galaxy
C. O. Obasi, M. Gomez, D. Minniti, L. D. Baravalle, M. V. Alonso, B. I. Okere
arXiv:2403.03177v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: In this study, we search for Globular Clusters (GCs) in the inner halo of the Circinus galaxy using a combination of observational data. Our dataset includes observations from the VISTA Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea Extended Survey (VVVX), optical data from Gaia Release 3 (DR3), and observations from the Dark Energy Camera (DECam). These multiple data sources provide a comprehensive basis for our analysis. Our search was concentrated within a 50 kpc radius from the centre, leading to the identification of 93 sources that met our established criteria. To ensure the reliability of our findings, we conducted multiple examinations for sample contamination. These examinations incorporated tests based on Gaia Astrometric Excess Noise (AEN), the Blue Photometer (BP)/Red Photometer (RP) Excess Factor (BRexcess), as well as comparisons with stellar population models.
This analysis confidently classified 41 sources as genuine GCs, as they successfully passed both the 3$\sigma$ Gaia AEN and BRexcess tests. We used the ISHAPE program to determine the structural parameters (half-light radii) of the GC candidates, with a peak effective radius of 4$\pm$ 0.5 pc. The catalogue mainly consists of bright GCs. Relationships between colour, size, and distance were found in the GC candidates, alongside confirmation of bi-modality in colour distributions.
2024-05-06 06:52:52

Which Identities Are Mobilized: Towards an automated detection of social group appeals in political texts
Felicia Riethm\"uller, Julian Dehne, Denise Al-Gaddooa
2024-03-04 07:10:57

Stable Reduced-Rank VAR Identification
Xinhui Rong, Victor Solo
2024-04-03 05:08:46

“That's because kangaroos are completely irrational animals, said David Pickett, Volvo Australia’s technical lead.”
“Carmakers give up on software that avoids kangaroos”
#cars #animals #kangaroos
2024-03-01 06:51:54

Best Arm Identification with Resource Constraints
Zitian Li, Wang Chi Cheung…
2024-05-07 08:57:53

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2024-05-06 08:35:52

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2024-05-07 07:02:37

Coarsening in Bent-core Liquid Crystals: Intermediate Splay Bend State en route to the Twist Bend Phase
Nishant Birdi, Nigel B. Wilding, Sanjay Puri, Varsha Banerjee
2024-03-07 08:29:37

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2024-03-07 07:33:02

Illuminating the property space in crystal structure prediction using Quality-Diversity algorithms
Marta Wolinska, Aron Walsh, Antoine Cully
2024-05-07 07:35:24

Whispy: Adapting STT Whisper Models to Real-Time Environments
Antonio Bevilacqua, Paolo Saviano, Alessandro Amirante, Simon Pietro Romano
2024-05-07 08:48:42

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2024-03-06 07:06:34

An Experimentally Benchmarked Geant4 SiPM-Based Scintillator Detector Simulation Platform for Gamma Ray Detection
Lysander Miller, Airlie Chapman, Katie Auchettl, Jeremy M. C. Brown
2024-03-03 16:35:22

"Respectfully, I’d suggest this may be a great time to dust off his identification of Trump’s six main co-conspirators and roll out indictments against each of them. None were president so, even if Trump did have “total immunity for life,” they are all vulnerable to immediate prosecution."
It's time to hold co-conspirator Ginni Thomas accountable -
2024-04-04 15:50:55

We all know what possessed the IDF to expedite the process of mass murdering people, but they should really rein themselves in before this gets to the attention of an international tribunal:
“The IDF does not use an artificial intelligence system that identifies terrorist operatives or tries to predict whether a person is a terrorist. Information systems are merely tools for analysts in the target identification process...”
"... they were authorised to kill 'up to 20'…
2024-03-06 06:57:35

Learning Stochastic Dynamics from Data
Ziheng Guo, Igor Cialenco, Ming Zhong…
2024-05-03 07:16:27

Low-resource speech recognition and dialect identification of Irish in a multi-task framework
Liam Lonergan, Mengjie Qian, Neasa N\'i Chiar\'ain, Christer Gobl, Ailbhe N\'i Chasaide
2024-05-03 19:44:39

At what point will a meme show up where he's holding up clearly professional protest items that are actually just really common things?
"We have evidence that these outside agitators are providing vehicle identification manuals."

A NYC Deputy Commissioner holding up Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks from A to Z. 

He appears to be concealing Lowly's face, presumably for privacy reasons.
2024-03-06 06:59:15

Low-rank matrix estimation via nonconvex spectral regularized methods in errors-in-variables matrix regression
Xin Li, Dongya Wu
2024-03-06 08:31:00

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2024-04-04 08:39:37

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2024-04-05 03:03:57

Did you follow the story of John Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian-born USA citizen initially accused of being "Ivan the Terrible" and extradited to Israel to stand trial. He was convicted, but - to their credit - the Israelis became aware of evidence that called the identification into question and repatriated him to USA. The old Israel wasn't all about hatred and revenge - there was also room for integrity.
2024-03-07 07:14:07

Data-Driven Superstabilizing Control under Quadratically-Bounded Errors-in-Variables Noise
Jared Miller, Tianyu Dai, Mario Sznaier
2024-04-11 19:47:13

Assholes at Stanford, you say?
Via @…
2024-02-27 06:48:02

Gait-Based Privacy Protection for Smart Wearable Devices
Yu Su, Yongjiao Li, Zhu Cao arxiv.o…
2024-03-06 07:16:05

Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance: Misclassifications using machine learning tools
P. Marchant Cort\'es, J. L. Nilo Castell\'on, M. V. Alonso, L. Baravalle, C. Villal\'on, M. A. Sgr\'o, I. V. Daza-Perilla, M. Soto, F. Milla Castro, D. Minniti, N. Masetti, C. Valotto, M. Lares
arXiv:2403.03098v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: Automated methods for classifying extragalactic objects in large surveys offer significant advantages compared to manual approaches in terms of efficiency and consistency. However, the existence of the Galactic disk raises additional concerns. These regions are known for high levels of interstellar extinction, star crowding, and limited data sets and studies. In this study, we explore the identification and classification of galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance (ZoA). In particular, we compare our results in the near-infrared with X-ray data. We analize the appearance of the objects classified as galaxies using machine learning by Zhang et al. (2021) in the Galactic disk and make a comparison with the visually confirmed galaxies from the VVV NIRGC (Baravalle et al. (2021). Our analysis, which includes the visual inspection of all sources catalogued as galaxies throughout the Galactic disk using machine learning techniques reveals significant differences. Only 4 galaxies were found in both the near-Infrared and X-ray data sets. Several specific regions of interest within the ZoA exhibit a high probability of being galaxies in X-ray data but closely resemble extended Galactic objects. The results indicate the difficulty of using machine learning methods for galaxy classification in the ZoA mainly due to the scarce information on galaxies behind the Galactic plane in the training set. They also stress the importance of considering specific factors that are present to improve the reliability and accuracy of future studies in this challenging region.
2024-05-07 07:18:39

Learning Nonlinear Dynamics Using Kalman Smoothing
Jacob Stevens-Haas, Yash Bhangale, Aleksandr Aravkin, Nathan Kutz
2024-05-06 07:15:13

Superconductivity of Bulk Abnormal Magic-stoichiometric Na3Cl Salt Crystals at Normal Pressure
Shuqiang He, Yi-Feng Zheng, Guosheng Shi, Yi-Jie Xiang, Meihui Xiao, Qituan Zhang, Yue-Yu Zhang, Haiping Fang
2024-05-06 08:30:24

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2024-04-05 07:32:15

Drug-target interaction prediction by integrating heterogeneous information with mutual attention network
Yuanyuan Zhang, Yingdong Wang, Chaoyong Wu, Lingmin Zhana, Aoyi Wang, Caiping Cheng, Jinzhong Zhao, Wuxia Zhang, Jianxin Chen, Peng Li
2024-03-07 08:42:36

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2024-03-06 07:33:42

Incommensurate broken-helix and broken-fanlike states in axion insulator candidate EuIn$_{2}$As$_{2}$
Masaki Gen, Yukako Fujishiro, Kazuki Okigami, Satoru Hayami, Kiyohiro Adachi, Daisuke Hashizume, Takashi Kurumaji, Hajime Sagayama, Hironori Nakao, Yoshinori Tokura, Taka-hisa Arima
2024-05-06 07:17:39

Vibrational Entanglement through the Lens of Quantum Information Measures
Nina Glaser, Alberto Baiardi, Annina Z. Lieberherr, Markus Reiher
2024-03-07 08:40:45

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2024-03-28 06:46:45

Identification and Uses of Deep Learning Backbones via Pattern Mining
Michael Livanos, Ian Davidson
2024-04-05 08:33:42

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2024-05-06 08:30:24

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2024-05-03 06:48:17

Silencing the Risk, Not the Whistle: A Semi-automated Text Sanitization Tool for Mitigating the Risk of Whistleblower Re-Identification
Dimitri Staufer, Frank Pallas, Bettina Berendt
2024-05-06 06:53:13

Unleashing the Power of AI: Transforming Marketing Decision-Making in Heavy Machinery with Machine Learning, Radar Chart Simulation, and Markov Chain Analysis
Tian Tian, Jiahao Deng
2024-03-28 06:51:45

First Experiences with the Identification of People at Risk for Diabetes in Argentina using Machine Learning Techniques
Enzo Rucci, Gonzalo Tittarelli, Franco Ronchetti, Jorge F. Elgart, Laura Lanzarini, Juan Jos\'e Gagliardino
2024-05-06 08:31:32

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2024-04-05 08:33:42

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2024-02-29 08:34:48

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2024-05-06 07:15:13

Superconductivity of Bulk Abnormal Magic-stoichiometric Na3Cl Salt Crystals at Normal Pressure
Shuqiang He, Yi-Feng Zheng, Guosheng Shi, Yi-Jie Xiang, Meihui Xiao, Qituan Zhang, Yue-Yu Zhang, Haiping Fang
2024-05-07 08:48:22

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2024-05-03 06:48:17

Silencing the Risk, Not the Whistle: A Semi-automated Text Sanitization Tool for Mitigating the Risk of Whistleblower Re-Identification
Dimitri Staufer, Frank Pallas, Bettina Berendt
2024-02-29 06:52:52

Formalized Identification Of Key Factors In Safety-Relevant Failure Scenarios
Tim Maurice Julitz, Nadine Schl\"uter, Manuel L\"ower
2024-04-03 07:34:47

Identification and characterization of three-dimensional crack propagation mechanism in the Aluminium alloy AA2024-T3 using high-resolution Digital Image Correlation
Vanessa Sch\"one, Florian Paysan, Eric Breitbarth
2024-03-07 07:08:18

CIBRA identifies genomic alterations with a system-wide impact on tumor biology
Soufyan LakbirBioinformatics group Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Translational Gastrointestinal Oncology group Netherlands Cancer Institute, AI Technology for Life group Utrecht University, Caterina BuranelliBioinformatics group Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Translational Gastrointestinal Oncology group Netherlands Cancer Institute, Gerrit A. MeijerTranslational Gastrointestinal Oncology group Netherlands C…
2024-03-06 08:41:03

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2024-05-06 08:30:32

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2024-04-05 08:38:33

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2024-03-01 07:14:36

Unraveling Adversarial Examples against Speaker Identification -- Techniques for Attack Detection and Victim Model Classification
Sonal Joshi, Thomas Thebaud, Jes\'us Villalba, Najim Dehak
2024-04-01 07:11:02

Supervised Bayesian joint graphical model for simultaneous network estimation and subgroup identification
Xing Qin, Xu Liu, Shuangge Ma, Mengyun Wu
2024-05-02 06:54:20

A Distributed Model Identification Algorithm for Multi-Agent Systems
Vivek Khatana, Chin-Yao Chang, Wenbo Wang
2024-03-04 06:56:00

Identification of important nodes in the information propagation network based on the artificial intelligence method
Bin Yuan, Tianbo Song, Jerry Yao
2024-04-30 08:36:41

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2024-03-07 07:08:18

CIBRA identifies genomic alterations with a system-wide impact on tumor biology
Soufyan LakbirBioinformatics group Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Translational Gastrointestinal Oncology group Netherlands Cancer Institute, AI Technology for Life group Utrecht University, Caterina BuranelliBioinformatics group Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Translational Gastrointestinal Oncology group Netherlands Cancer Institute, Gerrit A. MeijerTranslational Gastrointestinal Oncology group Netherlands C…
2024-05-03 07:29:31

Unsupervised identification of local atomic environment from atomistic potential descriptors
Luk\'a\v{s} K\'yvala, Pablo Montero De Hijes, Christoph Dellago
2024-02-23 06:53:13

CCPA: Long-term Person Re-Identification via Contrastive Clothing and Pose Augmentation
Vuong D. Nguyen, Shishir K. Shah
2024-04-05 07:18:23

The Nearest Graph Laplacian in Frobenius Norm
Kazuhiro Sato, Masato Suzuki…
2024-03-04 07:27:38

SINDy vs Hard Nonlinearities and Hidden Dynamics: a Benchmarking Study
Aurelio Raffa Ugolini, Valentina Breschi, Andrea Manzoni, Mara Tanelli
2024-02-26 07:10:52

On Identification of Dynamic Treatment Regimes with Proxies of Hidden Confounders
Jeffrey Zhang, Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen
2024-05-02 08:30:38

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2024-05-02 08:27:03

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2024-05-03 08:48:41

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2024-05-02 08:31:49

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2024-05-03 07:16:16

Execution-free Program Repair
Li Huang, Bertrand Meyer, Manuel Oriol…
2024-05-02 08:27:03

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2024-04-03 07:01:17

A neural network-based approach to hybrid systems identification for control
Filippo Fabiani, Bartolomeo Stellato, Daniele Masti, Paul J. Goulart
2024-04-03 07:01:22

Learning-based model augmentation with LFRs
Jan H. Hoekstra, Chris Verhoek, Roland T\'oth, Maarten Schoukens
2024-04-29 06:54:13

Finite Sample Analysis for a Class of Subspace Identification Methods
Jiabao He, Ingvar Ziemann, Cristian R. Rojas, H\r{a}kan Hjalmarsson
2024-03-01 06:54:16

Nonlinear identification algorithm for online and offline study of pulmonary mechanical ventilation
Diego A. Riva, Carolina A. Evangelista, Paul F. Puleston, Luis Corsiglia, Nahuel Dargains
2024-02-22 07:34:06

Parameter identification algorithm for a LTV system with partially unknown state matrix
Olga Kozachek, Nikolay Nikolaev, Olga Slita, Alexey Bobtsov