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2024-06-13 10:09:44

Apple Details Its AI Foundation Models and Applebot Web Scraping
2024-06-13 02:40:06

2024-04-11 06:48:38

Linked open data per la valorizzazione di collezioni culturali: il dataset mythLOD
Valentina Pasqual, Francesca Tomasi
2024-03-27 14:37:47

A surprisingly honest must-read on Xtianity's twisted narrative re: #adoption , written by a Xtian adoptive parent. #FamilyPreservation

A quote from the linked article that reads, "And instead of elevating adoption as the only or even best way to care for vulnerable children, churches should also get serious about family preservation efforts. We can work to counteract systemic inequalities that compel birth families to surrender their children and support single parents. When a pregnant woman is anxious about how she will provide for a desired child, our first response shouldn’t be to offer to adopt but to band together as a ch…
2024-04-30 16:05:57

Phishers and other scammers are very effective. Sometimes, they even outperform the activity of the site that they are pretending to be.
Excellent insight into some campaigns.
#Phishing #Scam

Screenshot from the linked web page
2024-05-07 07:13:24

Improving (Re-)Usability of Musical Datasets: An Overview of the DOREMUS Project
Pasquale Lisena (WEB3), Manel Achichi (WEB3), Pierre Choff\'e (BnF), C\'ecile Cecconi (WEB3), Konstantin Todorov (WEB3), Bernard Jacquemin (GERIICO), Rapha\"el Troncy