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2024-12-31 13:47:43

The "going out of business" signs have gone up at our local Big Lots discount shop.
#BigLots #Retail #Ohio

An empty orange shopping cart with the words Big Lots sits in a  parking lot in front of a shop. A sign above the wide sliding entrance doors reads "Big Lots Entrance." Between that sign and the sliding doors is a vinyl banner that reads "Closing" in huge letters. Two big signs are posted on the doors. One reads "store closing" and the other reads "Entire store up to 25% off." The pavement of the parking lot has numerous cracks.
2024-11-27 06:25:02

I think my daughter gets me. A for accuracy. Also, the disco ball is a nice touch.

Drawing of a skeleton, with it's eyes falling out, scratches and blood on it's skull, but happily listening to music on some headphones.
2024-11-13 19:48:24

Wow, this was really painful: #urbanism
2025-01-19 10:26:33

>If this is the way to superintelligence, it remai
2025-01-13 19:02:19

#Question pour Matso
Vous connaissez tous @… ?
Ce gars incroyable qui fait une ballade extraordinaire Š vélo sur toute la planète (ou presque).
J'aimerais pouvoir relire ses toots depuis le départ, mais Š part scroller des heures durant pour remonter le fil, est-ce qu'il existe une solution plus amicale, comme afficher les toots par une date ?