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2024-11-25 09:56:32

#yahoo app puts delete next to select... am I a grumpy old git with overly fat thumbs or what? Why have a select option and not let me select on one click. GUI design has really gone down the pan and why can't I decide how I want to have my menus appear? Where is AI when you need it. Are there ANY #android

drop down menu showing select then below delete
2024-10-14 16:26:08

Old graphical editor prototype (2019/20) with various ways of managing multiple selections of graphical entities, incl. align/distribute, duplicate, invert, select/deselect region (box/convex hull). editor is generic. items could be files, shapes, mesh vertices, 2d/3d points, graph nodes, whatever...
Been re-animating this prototype and toying with integrating it into my personal note taking & media management tool to organize items into piles for batch-processing and to easier app…

Screenrecording of a graphical editor prototype showing a number of circles being duplicated/manipulated and re-arranged via a sequence of mouse gestures and keyboard commands (the most recently executed command is shown in the top-left corner). The steps are:

- turn on grid
- create/duplicate circles (with grid snapping)
- selecting all
- duplicating selection(s) to form an 8x8 layout
- manually selecting 4 circles and then all circles in the convex hull
- drawing multiple box selectio…
2024-09-13 11:27:13

Alkeemia näitus sai üles ning teavituse korras panen siia kuraatorituure tutvustava sildi. Raamatukogu tegi sellest mingi FB sündmuse, aga võrdsuse ja võibolla ka ligipääsetavuse huvides on hea, kui see ka Mastodonis üleval on.

Alkeemia, kõigi asjade ristumispunkt kuraatorituure tutvustav pilt. Pildil on alkeemiline androgüün ja mitmed maod, kellest ühele kohe üldse ei meeldi, et teda niiviisi pigistatakse. Lisaks sellele ka tekst: 26. septembril, 17. oktoobril ja 4. novembril kell 16 toimuvad Meelis Friedenthali ja Kurmo Konsa kuraatorituurid Tartu ülikooli raamatukogu näitusesaalis.