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2024-11-20 17:05:53

J'ai testé l'offre "Apple Silicon" de #Scaleway
Cela fonctionne bien 🙂
2024-11-21 16:48:30

J'ai réussi Š compiler / lancer une application Capacitor sur un émulateur iOS sur l'offre #Scaleway Apple Silicon M1
J'ai essayé d'automatiser au mieux le provisioning des requirements de #Capacitor
2024-12-14 12:56:00

Frieren gegen den Faschismus. Ich fahre demnächst mal da hin, wo die wohnen. Sollen die mal gegen uns demonstrieren. #b1412
2024-11-11 20:51:29

Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Another calculated risk?
DAYNA: Try and get the sums right this time. B7B5

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts two individuals sitting in what appears to be a futuristic or sci-fi setting. They are dressed in costumes that suggest a science fiction genre, likely from a television show or film. The man on the left has curly hair and is wearing a grey outfit with notable fastenings and details, while the woman on the right has long blonde hair and is wearing a light-colored outfit with dark accents and a headband. They seem to be seated at a control pane…
2024-11-08 21:09:18

Series B, Episode 04 - Horizon
BLAKE: They don't.
GUARD: You. [Signals to Selma] Come with me. B7B5

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image appears to be from a scene set in a cave. The setting is dark and rocky, illuminated by a few lights suggesting an underground or mysterious environment. Two characters are visible, one with light hair wearing a pink outfit and another with darker features adorned with intricate, possibly alien-like designs. This scene likely involves an adventurous or possibly sci-fi context, where the characters are exploring or interacting within a subterranean env…
2024-11-23 20:50:37

Finally finished building this prototyping station, for designing synthesizer circuits from scratch. Super excited to start using it! #diysynth #electronics
2024-11-06 16:29:35

Je teste le remplacement de #direnv par la fonctionnalité "env._source = ..." proposée par #Mise…
2024-11-04 10:45:39

J'ai découvert l'expression « pro bono ».
Le pro bono est une ancienne locution latine, provenant de « pro bono publico » signifiant « pour le bien public », qui désigne le travail réalisé Š titre gracieux par un profess…
2024-11-12 23:48:49

Voici ce que j'ai compris au sujet de l'article 25 du projet de loi de finance 2025, au sujet des #BSPCE #plf2025
2024-11-22 16:21:24

Plus j'utilise #Hasura plus je préfère #postgraphile