#RamseyNasr over wat er de afgelopen dagen in Nederland gebeurd is.
"Antisemitisme bestaat. Het leeft weer op. Maar waar antisemitisme wordt bestreden met racisme, moeten we extra op onze hoede zijn. Daar woedt de ziekte pas echt."
Das rote Auto parkte auf dem gemeinsamen "Geh- #Radweg" im Seitenraum in der Tempo 30 Zone in #Osnabrück. Vermutlich um nicht in der prallen Sonne zu stehen.
Es gab einen Hinweis in Form eines Klebezettels. Text: Parke nicht auf unseren Wegen. Es wurde versucht den Aufkleber zu entfer…
Unpopular opinion on software development
Yesterday, I came across CI cultists.
They were preaching one should merge in main multiple times a day.
Quite frankly, I associate this behaviour to lab rats compulsively clicking the button to get gratifications (please don't do that to rats).
I think developers should refrain from becoming merge junkies. Code review is essential for good code quality. Automated tests suck at detecting logical errors, security vulnerabilities, and even decent code coverage.
Also, I believe pair programming is absolutely not a strategy to allow continuous integration. Everybody involved in the development process is drunk on their own bullshit reasons they made up to justify their poor design. Either the code review should be done by someone else, or the developers should sober up for a fortnight before code reviewing their own code.
PS: I am a software developer. I get drunk on my own bullshit as well.
#software #development #ci #codereview