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2024-06-09 19:27:40

Macron hat diverse Probleme:
»S&P stuft Rating herab :
Alarmstufe Rot für Frankreichs Staatsfinanzen«

»Doch mit seiner jüngsten Volte hat Macron viele seiner Landsleute verstört. Von der Androhung, im Kampf gegen den russischen Imperialismus keine Option auszuschließen, auch die Entsendung von Bodentruppen nicht, fühlen sich etliche Wähler überrumpelt. Wie eine Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts CSA ergab, lehnen 76 Prozent der Franzosen die Entsendung von französischen Soldaten ab.«

An enormous rare fish thought to live only in temperate waters in the southern hemisphere has washed up on Oregon’s northern coast, drawing crowds of curious onlookers intrigued by the unusual sight.
2024-06-10 07:13:08

Pitch-Aware RNN-T for Mandarin Chinese Mispronunciation Detection and Diagnosis
Xintong Wang, Mingqian Shi, Ye Wang
2024-06-10 17:23:03

Meth-Addict Fish, Aggro Starlings: How Human Drugs Are Harming Animals – Mother Jones
2024-06-14 14:06:27

i am now more scared of #NewYork's governor & #nyc's mayor than i ever was of being attacked on the #subway by a terrorist, mugger, or anybody else. a (potential) mask ban on the subway, WHAT THE FUCK IS …
2024-06-19 01:06:28

Commanders agree to $1.3 million settlement following Virginia season ticket deposit investigation
2024-06-14 16:29:14

The initial estimate (2 years ago) for keeping California's Diablo Canyon nuclear plant operating was $5.2bn. Now PG&E says it's $8.3bn. And a former state energy commissioner says it's now more like $10 - $11.8bn and "you're pouring your money down a rat hole."
Nuclear costs doubling in two years. And this is my shocked face 😑 (See @…
2024-06-18 07:42:19

Jazzaria – Pond-rous
2024-06-19 01:06:28

Commanders agree to $1.3 million settlement following Virginia season ticket deposit investigation