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2024-04-14 22:41:50

A #vintageSciFi question: there are lots of plots where evil or misguided AI that controls everything runs amok (HAL) or not (COLOSSUS), but the #IvanTors film Gog (1954) is the earliest I know where a perfectly fine AI master-controller gets hijacked by code-injection from the real enemy; this happens again a decade later in Godzilla vs Megalon, but are there any earlier master-AI takeover films, books or short stories?
(fwiw, any PhD who names his bots Gog and Magog should expect trouble)
2024-06-12 12:46:00

Once again I need to request that headlines need their own bylines. Stop letting Editors shitty decisions hide behind journalists' names.
2024-04-16 06:50:59

Correlated Mean Field Imitation Learning
Zhiyu Zhao, Ning Yang, Xue Yan, Haifeng Zhang, Jun Wang, Yaodong Yang‬
2024-06-06 11:03:30

It seems that a #Pandoc filter is currently the best way to handle in-text numeric citations, so I think I’ll clean up the code a little and maybe add a way to configure the rendering of author names to some extent.
2024-06-06 11:03:30

It seems that a #Pandoc filter is currently the best way to handle in-text numeric citations, so I think I’ll clean up the code a little and maybe add a way to configure the rendering of author names to some extent.

2024-06-06 11:03:30

It seems that a #Pandoc filter is currently the best way to handle in-text numeric citations, so I think I’ll clean up the code a little and maybe add a way to configure the rendering of author names to some extent.
2024-06-12 12:46:00

Once again I need to request that headlines need their own bylines. Stop letting Editors shitty decisions hide behind journalists' names.
2024-04-29 14:29:24

Cowboys' way-too-early 53-man roster projection: Well known names cut for younger blood
2024-04-03 15:40:02

_“The end game would be the ability to login to every Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu box on the internet. If it isn’t a state actor it should be…”_
Cryptographer Filippo Valsorda said, _“This might be the best executed supply chain attack we’ve seen described in the open, and it’s a nightmare scenario: malicious, competent, authorized upstream in a widely used library.”_
And awesome: FOSS community catched it, because tests slowdown

2024-06-05 21:39:23

@… Obviously, I'm not trying to explain CSL to you ;-)
It’s just what I see with Pandoc: it works fine for author-date styles, but with numeric styles, I always get just [42] and no author names.