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2024-05-28 16:00:34

@… boosted this on Facebook and says you should read it: "Worth 20 minutes of your time, for sure. We find ourselves at a dangerous crossroads here - listen to these pearls of wisdom."
**Undergraduate Commencement Address by Ken Burns** | Commencement | Brandeis University
2024-04-04 07:28:17

AlN/Si interface engineering to mitigate RF losses in MOCVD grown GaN-on-Si substrates
Pieter Cardinael, Sachin Yadav, Herwig Hahn, Ming Zhao, Sourish Banerjee, Babak Kazemi Esfeh, Christof Mauder, Barry O Sullivan, Uthayasankaran Peralagu, Anurag Vohra, Robert Langer, Nadine Collaert, Bertrand Parvais, Jean-Pierre Raskin
2024-04-03 07:07:03

Atomic magnetometry using a metasurface polarizing beamsplitter in silicon on sapphire
Xuting Yang, Pritha Mukherjee, Minjeong Kim, Hongyan Mei, Chengyu Fang, Soyeon Choi, Yuhan Tong, Sarah Perlowski, David A. Czaplewski, Alan M. Dibos, Mikhail A. Kats, Jennifer T. Choy
2024-04-16 08:17:53

As someone who's written code at one time or another in C, C , Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, GLSL, PHP, JavaScript, Pascal, Oz, Java, Salsa, i386 assembly, PIC12 assembly, MIPS assembly, x86-64 assembly, ARM assembly, Prolog, Bash, VBScript, DOS batch files, FEI AutoScript, CMake, and even a few dozen lines of Python years back...
I can confidently say Rust is alien technology.
Maybe one day I'll grok it but today I feel like I sat down in front of a Klingon PC and tried…