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2024-06-12 15:49:00

Vermittlungsausschuss berät auch über #Straßenverkehrsgesetz #StVG
Die Bundesregierung hat am 6. Juni 2024 den Vermittlungsausschuss zum Zehnten Gesetz zur Änderung des Straßenverkehrsgesetzes angerufen. Es wird gemeinsam mit vier weiteren Verfahren in der nächsten Sitzung des Verm…
2024-06-14 02:12:54

Finished “Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore” by Robin Sloan.
It’s escapism and without any real suspense or consequence. We just float along as the answers are revealed without much delay.
If anything, it’s practically an advertisement for Google circa 2014. We’re compelled to notice the friction of technology versus the “old knowledge” of books, typography, etc. Also a bit cumbersome & heavy-handed.
The good bits mostly outweigh the bad. 3 stars.
2024-06-12 23:10:44

Raiders have answer on right side of OL in 2022 draft classmates
2024-06-13 23:25:47

Brad Smith tells a US House committee that Microsoft "accepts responsibility" for security errors, its business in China served US interests, and more (Joseph Menn/Washington Post)
2024-06-12 11:08:21

Schulze will Städtepartnerschaften ankurbeln
Entwicklungsministerin Svenja Schulze ruft die Partnerländer der Ukraine auf, das von Russland angegriffene Land durch einen Ausbau von Städtepartnerschaften beim Wiederaufbau zu unterstützen. "Lassen Sie uns zusammenarbeiten, damit jede ukrainische Gemeinde mindestens einen internationalen Partner hat", forderte Schulze bei einem Forum mit zahlreichen deutschen und ukrainischen Bü…
2024-06-13 22:23:33

As my British stepfather used to say, “Because they’re not married to women…” 🤣
2024-06-12 22:53:41

There's a thing called Capability Security done by Spitely Gobblins.
Haven't really spent enough time to say I understand it. Doesn't sound like it's really finished yet.
Making it explicit in the software when you give someone a bit of data that you also send the permissions on what can be done with it.
Or there's a thing called Veilid. They store data on a public network in encrypted form. Making it so you can in fact show it only to your friends like Facebook first promised, not even to Facebook Inc or the Mega-Mind.
They are also not quite finished as a software library without much in the way of apps.
Something like these things are gonna be needed because sooner or later angered public bullying won't work, and it can't work on those doing it in secret.
The corporate/government/advertising matrix multiplier engine will eat everything you have published and make inferences for those systems about you from it. Many of them even true. Some true that you don't even realized about yourself. Lots of it wrong and biased.
2024-06-13 08:05:30

Thunderbird, POP, Gmail - techie advice requested
if anyone would be so kind, and knows an answer :-)
Thunderbird in POP mode. Working fine with the mailboxes at my web host.
Recently I also got a Gmail box for a particular project. What I've noticed is, emails come into Gmail & just sit there for ages (e.g. maybe 20 mins) instead of downloading to my laptop.
They always do arrive, but is there any way (from either Tbird or Gmail) that I can "force" the download?
#Thunderbird #Gmail #POP
2024-06-13 23:25:47

Brad Smith tells a US House committee that Microsoft "accepts responsibility" for security errors, its business in China served US interests, and more (Joseph Menn/Washington Post)
2024-06-12 15:58:11

Mehrere Tote bei russischem Angriff auf Kyrwyj Rih
Bei einem russischen Raketenangriff auf die südukrainische Industriestadt Krywyj Rih sind mindestens acht Menschen getötet worden. Über 20 weitere wurden verletzt, wie örtliche Medien meldeten. "Jeden Tag und jede Stunde beweist der russische Terror, dass die Ukraine gemeinsam mit den Partnern die Flugabwehr stärken muss", schrieb Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj in sozialen Net…