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2024-04-26 14:36:52

#ThingUmbrella #ReleaseFriday[1] 🚀 — As announced a couple of weeks ago, a lot of my recent work has been centered around async iterables and addressing the conceptual overlap between the various packages related to those, specifically:
2024-02-23 19:01:50

#Python Friday #215: Async & Await
2024-02-26 13:48:58

I really want to get good at async programming, but dear god, do some languages make it hard.
2024-02-24 09:13:05

@… You trip over `async void` when you type it.
2024-03-07 08:12:31

You don't know the difference between defer and async on ? Me neither. Use defer for external scripts in Shopware.
Because defer waits for the script until it executes your Plugin.
Now you now :-)

Shopware: async vs defer – use defer
We build a payment plugin and currently working on the release on the Shopware store. One of the feedback we got is to either add async or defer to the externally loaded