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2024-06-06 03:30:06

Important on Trump being let off the hook:
Republicans flaunt election law, because Republicans break the FEC by denying it a majority.
"foreign nationals and gov'ts have willfully manipulated our elections..."
And the FEC does nothing.
2024-06-06 17:19:28

Fernverkehrsanbindung: Wilhelmshavens OB Carsten Feist und Frieslands Landrat Sven Ambrosy erhöhen Druck auf Bahn
Der Geduldsfaden wird immer kürzer: Wilhelmshavens OB Carsten Feist und Frieslands Landrat Sven Ambrosy fordern mit dem Verkehrsverbund VEJ von der Bahn, die Region endlich umsteigefrei an den Fernverkehr anzubinden. Was sind Gründe für ihre Kritik?
2024-06-06 14:49:59

Can Trey Lance be the future at quarterback?
2024-06-07 07:14:00

On the stability of singular Hopf bifurcation and its application
Jun Li, Shimin Li, Mingju Ma, Kuilin Wu <…
2024-06-18 01:20:06

Sending out #AccordionRevolution stickers, pins, button/badges, and cards to #Australia 🇦🇺
And some “This Machine Irritates Fascists” 🪗 badges to #Brittany
(They asked for the…

Button badges with piano accordions, and text: Questa macchina irrita i fascisti
("This Machine Irritates Fascists"); Questa macchina combatte il sessismo ("This Machine Fights Sexism"); Fisarmoniche contro il razzismo ("Accordions against Racism"); Questa macchina annienta i fascisti "This Machine Kills Fascists". The buttons are resting on a postcard of my Accordion Revolution People’s history of the accordion book cover.
White mailing envelope 
rubber stamped on the back with a red accordion and flaming heart. Spilling out of the envelope are stickers of the flaming heart accordion design. Other stickers with accordions and the text “one less guitar“. And stickers and a card of the cover of my Accordion revolution book. Also a sticker from Vancouver Co-Op Radio.
Flaming-heart Accordion enamel pins individually wrapped in tiny ziplock bags. Prepared for shipping taped with recycled cardboard backing, next to a glittery rainbow accordion badge with the text “squeezebox pride“.
2024-06-13 12:58:24

Good morning and happy Thursday #Fediverse
How are we all feeling today and what do we all have planned before the day ends?
For me, it's already been a TON of work stuff due to the Discord release of Nova 8.1.0 yesterday that introduced Smart Folders and Nova Now. I'm still not quite caught up.
Work meeting at 12pm today that will likely be sort of long, but ho…

An image with a white background and a cloud looking image that says Happy Thursday with some colored clouds behind those words.
2024-06-18 22:55:10

Donna D'Errico
When they're not on the beach #BaywatchStars
#wtnotb #RandomBaywatch #DonnaDErrico
2024-06-14 16:46:16

Wow cool, Warsteiner hat das Five-Pack vergrößert?
Ob Ihr mich verarschen wollt, habe ich gefragt!
2024-06-15 04:58:06

Ö1 Europa-Journal: "#Russland: Kann das Land das koloniale Erbe überwinden? Zu Gast: Botokaz Kassymbekova #Ukraine: Erschöpfung an der Front ..." #Kolonialismus
2024-06-08 14:21:02

Biden's Cabinet moonlights for campaign cash (Hans Nichols/Axios)