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2024-06-07 07:34:42

Anatomy-based quality metric of diffusion-weighted MRI data for accurate derivation of muscle fiber orientation
Nadya Shusharina, Xiaofeng Liu, Evangelia Kaza, Miranda Lam, Stephan Maier, Jonghye Woo
2024-06-11 11:29:05

#Konzert Bläserkonzert
Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024 – 17 Uhr in der Reformationskirche, Bad Schwalbach
"Bläserkreis in Hessen und Nassau" (BiHuN) unter der Leitung von Landesposaunenwart Johannes Kunkel mit einem abwechslungsreichen Programm von #Klassik bis
2024-06-09 07:46:16

“It also wasn’t long before Boca Raton was regarded as the place you needed to work if you were an ambitious IBM executive. Suddenly, everyone was a PC evangelist, including many who the original PC team knew had been actively hostile to their efforts before. One member of the original “dirty dozen” later described Boca Raton as IBM’s Woodstock: Everyone would claim to have been there when it started, and the vast majority were lying.”

Illustration of Don Estridge, head of the group who created the IBM PC in 1981.