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2024-04-30 13:56:03

Folks, this is a deceptive design pattern. There is a very clear third option here (keep me updated on this campaign’s progress only) that is not implemented for marketing reasons.
I expect better from a platform that exists to effect ‘progressive change across Ireland’.
#ireland #uplift

Screenshot of web page (detail):

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2024-04-29 14:21:23

Ahead of the May 1 action for better pay and working conditions for delivery and other app-based workers, I'm checking out the UDWA – United Delivery Workers Association. Is there a Union like this in Canada yet?
#gigwork #gigeconomy
2024-05-29 23:46:28

Like, yeah, all else being equal, end to end encrypted and highly assured channels are better.
All else isn't equal. Even most activists have a threat model that's more “cops threaten legal action against activist" than "NSA spies on communication”
Heck, most activists are more at risk from "organization did not file their tax forms on time" or “organizer is getting burned out" or “ex-member is still in the chat causing drama” than they are from comms being observable.
Especially since a good portion of the time, our power as activists comes from being willing to stand up and put ourselves in the gears. Avoiding the gears of the system isn't actually useful. I mean sure, choose your time and place. But a lot of the reason more violent protests work? Because they disrupt the system. But nobody is particularly benefitted by hiding the fact that people did do the disruptive thing.
It's naked power vs "what are you doing to do about it?”
2024-03-20 01:11:46

Apple product packaging from 40 years ago still looks better than any product packaging of their competition today #MarchIntosh

A Macintosh 512K Enhanced and a ImageWriter II box. Both are white and have the rainbow Apple logo, the projects name in Apple Garamond and a large beautifully shot color product-in-action photo on them.
2024-03-24 22:16:11

"too smart to not be depressed"
I mean...
privilege does play into that, right? the ability to ignore the hellscape because it doesn't impact you?
but it's also... okay? to not doomscroll all day? like you have a limited amount of spoons to give, so you prioritize
taking someone who's neutral and going:
"arg why aren't you freaking out like I am that the world is burning you aren't doing enough?!??!?!"
"hey, I care about ABC, so later on me and the crew were gonna talk about XYZ steps to make the world a better place. you wanna join?"
like, yes the world is on fire, and needs action now.
motivating people to do something is a skill.
anybody with half a brain can alienate people into inaction.
if "Aaaaahhh!! on fire!" motivates you and your friend group, cool.
I'm trying to motivate a bunch of peaceful, privileged, "it doesn't affect me yet" folks.
they would instantly tune out a protest.
but they are someone who could do other stuff :)
organize to solve a smaller local problem, first.
2024-03-08 01:41:16

"I'm not here today to talk to you about numbers and tell you stats and statistics about what's going up and what's going down. I'm here to take action. Rattling off statistics saying things are getting better doesn't make you feel better"
From surveillance drones and car chases in SF, to National Guard bag searches in NYC, we seem to be losing civil rights just because vibes are off.
2024-04-23 16:51:14

Finished teaching my MA #PhilosophyOfMind seminar with student-initiated discussions of joint action, artificial agents, and déjŠ vu, among other things. Overall it’s been a most enjoyable module, and I really couldn’t have asked for a better group of students! 😊
2024-05-18 07:10:36

I went on a mid length stroll on this Saturday morning and already dance-walked with 2 Unlimited and No Limits to our bakery. 🥳 Is there any better way to start a long weekend for Teens from the nineties? 🎉
[Doing this casual stroll thingy first action in the morning, pre coffee, worst of clothing, no fixed directions or distance, so no pressure AT ALL, is working great since almost two weeks now, I'm really thankful for the man's suggestion that made me - very reluctantly! - t…
2024-03-07 23:07:01

It's been over two years since Andrew Zieman was killed by a driver in front of the school he taught at, and the street is still just as dangerous today
The SFMTA has failed to make the street safer.
Come through to Franklin/Union on Thurs 3/14 at 7:30am to demand better.

Flyer for an action

Title: Demand a Safer Franklin
Subtitle: A driver killed our neighbor here
Date: Thursday March 14th, 7:30am
Location: Franklin & Union

below the text is a picture of people at that intersection holding signs such as "Safe Streets Now!!". it is overlaid with a cutout of a memorial to Andrew Zieman. Cards read "Thank you and goodbye Mr Andrew".

After four years of fighting about it,
the World Health Organization has finally proclaimed that viruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID,
can be spread through the air.
The operative phrase here is
⭐️“through the air.” ⭐️
It’s plain language that anyone can understand,
and this switch from jargon such as “airborne” and “aerosol”may finally clear the way for researchers to get funding to study better, real-life ways to protect people from a…
2024-04-06 15:20:00

Logged in (on the computer), and the very first post is this one, from @… , via boosting -
2024-05-07 19:35:37

A case study on translations: Rotwood is 94% positive in English reviews, but only 60% positive in Chinese which results in 73% overall.
These are the two supported languages and comprise nearly 90% of all reviews.
Many negative Chinese reviews target the difficult combat encounters -- it's a hard game despite its cartoonish visual style.
Should the Chinese store page text have better conveyed the difficulty to a different culture? Missed cultural norms?

Table summarizing Rotwood's Steam reviews. 
94% positive in English reviews, but only 60% positive in Chinese which results in 73% overall. 62% of reviews are in Chinese.