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2024-05-30 11:02:16

Getting an "AI"-generated email from a friend "felt like a family fridge decorated with printed stock art of children’s drawings." I can very much relate to this feeling.
2024-04-30 14:41:09

On this last day of Earth Day Month, remember that as a web builder there is at least one easy step you can take to be less awful to the planet (and future you):
2024-05-31 17:24:57

Meta skal trene KI på dine innlegg og bilder – NRK Norge – Oversikt over nyheter fra ulike deler av landet
«Kom dere ut av Facebook» er et godt råd. Slettet min personlige…
2024-04-30 06:53:33

Ukraine holds 3rd round of negotiations with US on bilateral security agreement:
2024-05-31 10:31:00

Astronomie: Neue Kamera macht von der Erde schärfste Aufnahme von Jupitermond Io
Die schärfsten Bilder der Monde vom Jupiter haben bislang Sonden geliefert. Nun zeigt eine neue Kamera, was inzwischen von der Erdoberfläche aus möglich ist.
2024-04-30 14:41:09

On this last day of Earth Day Month, remember that as a web builder there is at least one easy step you can take to be less awful to the planet (and future you):
2024-03-28 21:00:47

Mindful Builder
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

Mindful Builder
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-04-30 10:26:38

Also I'll leave @…'s point along these lines here:
«Several times over the past two decades we’ve had tech arrive which observers and researchers have discovered has serious and measurable detrimental effects on society at large, but the enthusiasts will go “it saves me an entire half-hour a day!” and consider the argument won.»
2024-05-31 04:33:00

Freitag: Router in den USA massiv lahmgelegt, WhatsApp bald mit KI-Bildgenerator
Router-Ende wegen Malware KI-Bilder in WhatsApp Amazon-Drohnen außer Sicht UALink-Standard für KI-Cluster Schlag gegen Botnetze Podcast zur Europawahl
2024-05-31 03:18:00

WhatsApp bekommt offenbar bald einen eigenen KI-Bildgenerator
Eine Beta-Version von WhatsApp zeigt die Integration von Imagine, Metas KI-Bildgenerator. Damit werden sich KI-Bilder innerhalb des Messengers erstellen lassen.