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2024-10-31 03:09:40

Oxfam: Carbon inequality kills

Title page of the report, showing a yacht in front of a forest fire, lot of orange glowing smoke, titled carbon inequality kills
2024-11-29 20:04:08

[ February 3, 2025] CFP for conference or similar: Digital Worlds Workshop
2024-11-02 01:56:13

raw, unbridled comedy

Discord user "(Miracle) Thunder" says: Mmm, low bitrate songs
Below this, another user posts a picture containing a speech bubble coming from a chinafake phone (the kind which normally play Butterfly), so that it appears that the above message is being said by the phone.
2024-12-25 08:05:45

During WWII, when someone was sent to a concentration/death camp, the word used to describe it is “deported” to the camp.
The “mass deportations” currently being suggested today use the word “deportations” in the same way.
#HumanRights #deportation
2024-12-17 23:05:07

This situation actually reminds me a bit of the dotcom bubble collapse in the late '90s / early '00s, with slight differences.
Declining stocks & VC led to a bunch of startups initially being unable to obtain additional funding. To make matters worse, ad demand started falling, leading to lower revenues for ad-based internet services.
In this case, a decline of ad demand is trailing dotcom revenue shortages. I suspect currency & stock weakness & a slowing econ…
2024-11-20 17:56:45

really surprised to see all this traction around #bluesky right now. not sure what to make of it WRT fediverse and mastodon. kind of bums me out that people are not migrating here.
2024-11-20 15:19:23

Bag making in progress. Joining ends to bodies for some tube/duffel shaped purses. Drinking tea, settling into the studio, and getting on with it #handmade #sewing #bagsewing

Parts for a vinyl bag being assembled, blue, red, green pieces, and a finished black and white tube duffel shaped purse
Orange, blue, and red vinyl bag pieces being assembled into a star tube duffel shaped purses. Plier stapler and blue handles pliers.
Assembling parts for a star tube/duffle shaped vinyl bag, with plier stapler and pliers. Orange, red, and blue vinyl pieces.
2024-11-18 06:17:45

Still up? Go check out the moon. 🌕 The bright object nearby is Jupiter, a gas giant planet 385,650,657 miles away from Earth (as of 10 minutes ago). #lookUp

A picture of the sky, including a low line, cloud bank melting into the moon. A bright object in shines brightly to the right
2024-12-17 17:34:04

Russia is intentionally humiliating Trump, and blowing holes in his proposed ceasefire...
The sooner Trump gets righteously angry and tired of being a sap, the better.
2024-12-17 22:44:28

One obvious reason this could be the case, despite the stimulus impact of the war, is that a lot of dotcoms / tech companies are highly sensitive to the stock market, VC funding, etc.
IOW, revenue from the stock market & VC funding suddenly disappeared, leaving them at the mercy of high rate loans, due to the historically high Russian central bank key rate.
And so, huge swathes of high tech are at risk of debt spirals and ever-increasing rates on loans.