Over the last 7 days I've made some changes to libkdumpfile which make it work much better with QEMU ELF dumps. Cc @…
Like Malaysia Airlines MH17 and Korean Air Lines 007, seems Azerbaijan Airlines J2-8243 may have been shot down. #russia just can’t stop hurting people.
“FlightRadar24…said…aircraft…faced ‘strong GPS jamming,’ which ‘made…aircraft transmit bad ADS-B data,’ referring to…information…allows flight-tracking websites to follow planes…Russia…blamed in…past for jamming GPS transmissions…”
Finally finished building this prototyping station, for designing synthesizer circuits from scratch. Super excited to start using it! #diysynth #electronics
Producer Peertube|Fediverse Channels CASBT: Как найти взаимосвязи в нашем мире и не потерять себя: концепция самостоятельного анализа
JS Benchmark
Test the speed of your JavaScript scripts online.
⏱️ #javascript #webdev
I didn't get Hexcodle #485 :( Score: 55%
Do you know the RGB value by heart for your website customers? Well, I don't either and have to check every time.
🦜 https://hexcodle.com
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«Buchung in fremdem Konto – Booking.com sieht trotz Panne keinen Handlungsbedarf:
Im Konto eines Booking.com-Nutzers landete unvermittelt eine fremde Buchung – offenbar aufgrund eines Tippfehlers. Obwohl es dem Nutzer sogar gelang, die Identität der Person zu enthüllen, sieht die Buchungsplattform sich nicht in der Verantwortung.»
Task Manager with a TUI written in Python
kanban-tui is a customizable task manager in the terminal.
:python: #kanban