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2025-02-14 10:43:32

Ballpark de Tsukamaete!
(The Catcher in the Ballpark!) TV anime by EMT Squared begins in April 2025
#anime #ballpark #tsukamaete
2025-03-10 15:05:48

I looked into buying a solar charged battery bank. This product category is completely dominated by no-name 3rd party sellers. 🚩
Charge time is key. No listing had even a rough estimate for solar charge time. 🚩
An example unit claims max solar power 1.13 w, with enough battery power to charge an iPhone 14 Pro twice. Working from that, you'd need ~25 hours of full sun to fully charge. I'd roughly estimate that means at least 3 days in summer. Not quite worthless, but close…
2024-12-21 12:44:37

Since my answer went up from 1 to 2 these days after giving in to a sales offer: Do you have a #MechanicalKeyboard at hand for use? If yes, how many #MechanicalKeyboards are available to you (bought or shared)?
Definitely one of my favorite categories of luxury tech gadg…
2025-01-19 20:41:07
Content warning: Alltags-Rant

was ist manchmal eigentlich los mit anständig aussehenden Leuten an Bahnhöfen? Nicht allzu enger Bahnsteig, einiger, aber nicht chaotischer Reisendenverkehr in mir entgegengesetzter Richtung, ich laufe jenseits des Sicherheitsstreifens ohne weitere Ausweichmöglichkeit, vorhersehbar geradeaus in bewusst gemächlichem Tempo, bleibe für zu einem Anschluss rennende Personen stehen, und trotzdem remple ich auf 50m drei Schultern an von Menschen, die mich für Luft gehalten haben müssen.