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2024-05-29 22:11:16

When I become dictator of the universe, I will decree that words with opposite meanings -- like "in" and "out", "first" and "last", "next" and "previous" -- or words in closed finite sets, like colors, month names, and days of the week -- in any language, shall always be spelled with the same number of letters.
The current spellings make aligning commands and comments in programs a pain and a sore to the eyes. *This is just u…

On March 16, 2024, four people — an entire family, including a toddler and infant — were killed when a driver crashed a car near the intersection of West Portal and Ulloa Street in San Francisco.
Most car traffic on Ulloa Street is cut-through traffic.
Installing Transit-Only Lanes on Ulloa Street and West Portal Avenue will improve the speed and reliability of Muni while significantly increasing safety for all people, including people in cars.