« Penser que des algorithmes ou des campagnes politiques Š coups de millions peuvent menacer ou acheter un vote en Suisse, c’est bien mal connaître la maturité démocratique de notre pays. »
Penser que les citoyens suisses ne peuvent pas être manipulés par des algorithmes, c’est bien mal connaître la nature humaine et la force de frappe de ces plateformes.
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Yesterday in #FuckThePolice
A Portland Police Bureau report released late last month shows that the agency's review board recommended that a sergeant be fired after lying to investigators about placing a right-wing meme in a training presentation — a recommendation that Chief Bob Day and then-Mayor Ted Wheeler declined to follow.
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Known as the "Prayer of the Alt Knight," the meme has been traced back to a member of the far-right Proud Boys group and endorses police brutality against a "dirty hippy," showing an officer in riot gear with fist raised over a person with long hair.
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McDaniel denied the allegation that he'd put the slide in the presentation. Then-Chief Chuck Lovell ultimately concluded that it was "more likely than not" that McDaniel was responsible for the slide, according to the memo, though Lovell backed away from termination of the sergeant's employment and instead suspended him for 100 hours without pay.
#PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #PoliceDontPreventCrime #DefundDisarmDismantle