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2024-04-24 16:50:44

Source: Cognition, which offers an AI coding assistant, raised $175M led by Founders Fund at a $2B valuation, a month after a Series A at a $350M valuation (Kate Clark/The Information)
2024-04-25 14:49:31

Altered grid-like coding in early blind people Early blind people have a square grid map instead of a hexagonal grid map for navigation in their entorhinal cortex;

Hellocatfood, who I just boosted, is also the co-founder of algo-afro futures:
"(Algo|Afro) Futures is a mentoring programme for early career Black artists who want to explore creative coding and live coding.
Live coding is a performative practice where artists and musicians use code to create live music and live visuals."
2024-05-26 00:05:54

Agreed, except for “summarization” of text that I haven’t read (e.g. “summarize this financial report for me”), because there is no way to tell if the summary is accurate and does not omit important elements.
I think Microsoft Copilot for helping coders has legs. Coding problems tend to be the same set of queries repeated over and over, with slight variations in theme: perfect for LLMs.
2024-04-25 17:53:58

I just updated Removed tumblr and tweaked the fun coding list
2024-05-26 01:04:19

Well, the unit tests did find a bug. A bug I had worried is lurking, but still.
At times it can feel like writing tests is too much effort, esp. if tests only occasionally find bugs, but helps to remember this is only because we become more careful with design and coding due to the awareness that we also write tests.
So, the payoff from writing tests is not from the tests themselves, but from the mindset and awareness it brings. Plus regression testing.
2024-04-26 07:34:58

A Novel Channel Coding Scheme for Digital Multiple Access Computing
Xiaojing Yan, Saeed Razavikia, Carlo Fischione
2024-04-24 08:33:47

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2024-04-24 13:02:44

Strudel is too addictive
2024-04-24 08:30:31

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2024-04-24 16:21:01

In preparation for teaching a 3-day "Computing within limits" workshop @ University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg, almost exactly a year ago (next week) I created a little fantasy console (heavily inspirered by TIC80) to introduce students to:
- the idea of virtual machines / computing environments
- the freedom to design & control any aspect of that environment (and how this relates to the overall idea of personal computing these days)
- designing & build…

1:00 min screenrecording of 5 interactive examples of the aforementioned fantasy console/virtual machine and coding env. More details about these will follow in another toot...
2024-04-27 05:00:05

product_space: Atlas of Economic Complexity export network
Two networks of economic products, where a pair of products are connected if they are exported at similar rates by the same countries. The data are a projection from a bipartite network of nations and the products they export. Edges weights represent a similarity score (called "proximity"). Data based on UN Comtrade worldwide trade patterns. SITC network based on the Standard International Trade Classification and HS …

product_space: Atlas of Economic Complexity export network. 866 nodes, 2532 edges.
2024-04-24 14:00:14

Excited to be part of the
✨ Summer School on Research Software Engineering ✨
hosted by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology from September 23 to 27, 2024.
Application deadline: May 17
Looking forward to seeing you there! 🙌
2024-04-26 07:34:58

A Novel Channel Coding Scheme for Digital Multiple Access Computing
Xiaojing Yan, Saeed Razavikia, Carlo Fischione
2024-06-13 07:13:14

Played Font Tournament and found my preferred font for coding. Neat idea:
#programming #fonts
2024-04-24 22:10:41

AI coding assistant startup Augment emerges from stealth with a $227M Series B at a $977M post-money valuation, following a $25M Series A led by Sutter Hill (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-06-11 08:19:00

Xcode bekommt KI-Coding-Funktionen
Ähnlich wie Github Copilot und andere Programmierassistenten soll Xcode dank KI besseren Code ausspucken. Diese Features wurden angekündigt.…
2024-05-23 17:13:01

Things You Should Never Do As A Software Engineer
2024-04-24 10:20:10

On the train to Aachen, falling in love with @…'s new stepwise functions
2024-04-24 08:30:47

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2024-05-24 07:28:33

AI-Assisted Assessment of Coding Practices in Modern Code Review
Manushree Vijayvergiya, Ma{\l}gorzata Salawa, Ivan Budiseli\'c, Dan Zheng, Pascal Lamblin, Marko Ivankovi\'c, Juanjo Carin, Mateusz Lewko, Jovan Andonov, Goran Petrovi\'c, Daniel Tarlow, Petros Maniatis, Ren\'e Just<…
2024-04-24 14:00:14

Excited to be part of the
✨ Summer School on Research Software Engineering ✨
hosted by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology from September 23 to 27, 2024.
Application deadline: May 17
Looking forward to seeing you there! 🙌
2024-05-16 20:11:20

AI coding startup Replit, which raised $220M and was last valued at $1B, lays off 30 employees, or 20% of its staff, and pivots to enterprise sales (Stephanie Palazzolo/The Information)
2024-05-24 07:20:45

SmartCS: Enabling the Creation of ML-Powered Computer Vision Mobile Apps for Citizen Science Applications without Coding
Fahim Hasan Khan, Akila de Silva, Gregory Dusek, James Davis, Alex Pang
2024-05-21 15:56:59

Visual Studio 2022 17.10 is available. This release features a new, single GitHub Copilot extension. To enable these AI experiences, activate your GitHub Copilot subscription today by signing in to GitHub and starting a free trial.
2024-06-16 14:48:38

Die neuen "Full Site Editor"-Themes bei #Wordpress mögen manche Anpassungen leichter machen, wenn man keine Coding-Ahnung hat. Sie machen das Erstellen und Anpassen von Themes für Menschen mit mäßiger Coding-Ahnung aber um einiges schwieriger...
2024-05-31 20:47:42

Online Course: Coding in the Elementary Grades #tcea #tceajmg:
2024-04-25 04:20:40

Snowflake announces Arctic, an LLM optimized for enterprise tasks such as SQL generation, coding, and instruction following, with an Apache 2.0 license (Shubham Sharma/VentureBeat)
2024-05-10 16:42:01

2021 retro-link! - Coding for non-programmers: we need better web GUI automation tools.
2024-05-17 08:52:10

Individual differences in prefrontal coding of visual features Striking individual differences in the coding schemes of LPFC, while coding scheme of the ventral visual stream remains more consistent acros…
2024-05-24 07:28:33

AI-Assisted Assessment of Coding Practices in Modern Code Review
Manushree Vijayvergiya, Ma{\l}gorzata Salawa, Ivan Budiseli\'c, Dan Zheng, Pascal Lamblin, Marko Ivankovi\'c, Juanjo Carin, Mateusz Lewko, Jovan Andonov, Goran Petrovi\'c, Daniel Tarlow, Petros Maniatis, Ren\'e Just<…
2024-06-18 07:23:20

Design and Optimization of Hierarchical Gradient Coding for Distributed Learning at Edge Devices
Weiheng Tang, Jingyi Li, Lin Chen, Xu Chen
2024-05-24 07:08:41

Prospective and retrospective coding in cortical neurons
Simon Brandt, Mihai Alexandru Petrovici, Walter Senn, Katharina Anna Wilmes, Federico Benitez
2024-05-03 11:38:52

"Coding for fun, or coding for money, are two absolutely, completely, and irrevocably orthogonal activities. This offset applies not only to coding, by the way; performing any human activity for the mere objective of getting paid, substantially modifies the dynamics of the activity in question, and more importantly, of the person doing it, in ways that neither psychology nor economics fully understand."
2024-05-24 06:56:06

Survey on Visual Signal Coding and Processing with Generative Models: Technologies, Standards and Optimization
Zhibo Chen, Heming Sun, Li Zhang, Fan Zhang
2024-05-21 15:56:59

Visual Studio 2022 17.10 is available. This release features a new, single GitHub Copilot extension. To enable these AI experiences, activate your GitHub Copilot subscription today by signing in to GitHub and starting a free trial.
2024-06-15 13:43:04

Love this posts but I question:
1. coding... maybe as an elective
2. Social Etiquette seems like a hard thing to agree on.
2024-05-16 09:06:31

Sometimes I'll just be going about my day and then I stop and think: if when we're coding we pronounce "char" like "kah" because it's short for "character", why don't we pronounce "enum" like "enoom" because it's short for "enumeration"?
2024-05-03 18:56:32

I've got a strange one for all my #coding friends today.
I rebased a local branch of a repo and did the usual #git push --force to overwrite the remote branch.
A git status shows everything is great but five seconds later #VSC
2024-05-24 07:16:04

Distributed Indirect Source Coding with Decoder Side Information
Jiancheng Tang, Qianqian Yang, Deniz G\"und\"uz
2024-06-11 21:25:39

Data modeling is how you solve most problems in coding. Define the problem correctly, and it's nearly impossible to get wrong.
2024-05-24 06:56:06

Survey on Visual Signal Coding and Processing with Generative Models: Technologies, Standards and Optimization
Zhibo Chen, Heming Sun, Li Zhang, Fan Zhang
2024-06-18 07:23:20

Design and Optimization of Hierarchical Gradient Coding for Distributed Learning at Edge Devices
Weiheng Tang, Jingyi Li, Lin Chen, Xu Chen
2024-05-30 15:00:04

Have you listened to our #TNC24 podcast yet? Listen to Karel van Klink from GÉANT describe the insightful session he is chairing 'Coding Your Network'. Join the sessions to learn how our community members have designed and deployed network orchestration setups on #network automation at TNC on Thursd…
2024-06-10 12:33:08

I regularly introduce humanities students with no prior experience to coding, markup, or similar tasks. The first thing usually needed is a decent text editor. I know #VSCode is the thing™ at the moment, but even I find it completely overwhelming with its myriad of panes and popups. Is there a simpler option? I’m still on
2024-05-30 15:07:43

so today I made my very first unique code snippets.....
and why the hell didnt I do that sooner?!?!
#Coding #Programming #GameDev
2024-05-04 22:20:38

As CS students experiment with AI coding tools, professors say courses need to focus less on syntax and more on problem solving, design, testing, and debugging (Rina Diane Caballar/IEEE Spectrum)
2024-06-07 08:54:37

Wow, what a fantastic talk by CSS noob @…, live-coding complex grids at #CSSDay! 👏💪🥳

Kevin on stage
Kevin with a slide that reads: 
Don't be afraid to over-engineer your CSS
Don't worry if there is already a way to do something.
It's easier to go over the top and then tame it down.
You can find out even better ways of doing things.
All of this is magnified when you share with others.
2024-06-07 16:42:22

This computer science professor strongly endorses the advice in this thread from @…. The initial framing is about working with/around generative AI in coding, but the lesson is so much bigger.
If you want to learn it, play with it.
Reading, studying, listening: that’s all just the setup for the learning. The real learning begins when the play b…
2024-05-07 06:56:24

CogDPM: Diffusion Probabilistic Models via Cognitive Predictive Coding
Kaiyuan Chen, Xingzhuo Guo, Yu Zhang, Jianmin Wang, Mingsheng Long
2024-05-08 22:46:00

🔴 Starting my stream, I will be coding, playing hackmud and Elite Dangerous, and being a general nuisance on the internet 🔴
2024-05-10 10:57:18

Speaking about events, I'll be representing #Perl at this new event / meetup next week in Vienna:
2024-06-17 07:07:59

AOC: Analysis of Orthologous Collections -- an application for the characterization of natural selection in protein-coding sequences
Alexander Lucaci, Sergei Pond
2024-05-06 00:00:34

Kernighan's Law II: Revenge of the Debugged
(I agree, @… !)
2024-06-03 15:42:24

I'm writing a fluid simulator as an excuse to learn more #shader coding.
I get now why people keep reinventing fluid simulators — there's some very clever math in the fundamentals, but also the problem has no right solution, so there's also lot that can be fudged and tweaked for different results.
2024-06-13 07:22:19

Impact of AI-tooling on the Engineering Workspace
Lena Chretien, Nikolas Albarran…
2024-06-07 17:25:24

This is a really cool find: Build a Frontend Web Framework from Scratch by Ángel Sola Orbaiceta.
Basically a deep dive into the internals of how a modern frontend framework works. It’s on sale right now at

Cover of Build A Frontend Web Framework from Scratch by Ángel Sola Orbaiceta
2024-06-13 07:27:25

On Annotation-free Optimization of Video Coding for Machines
Marc Windsheimer, Fabian Brand, Andr\'e Kaup
2024-05-10 18:31:58

5 Lessons I Learned From Making 100 Coding Tutorials
2024-06-07 08:54:37

Wow, what a fantastic talk by CSS noob @…, live-coding complex grids at #CSSDay! 👏💪🥳

Kevin on stage
Kevin with a slide that reads: 
Don't be afraid to over-engineer your CSS
Don't worry if there is already a way to do something.
It's easier to go over the top and then tame it down.
You can find out even better ways of doing things.
All of this is magnified when you share with others.
2024-06-07 17:02:04

Mastering #Caching in Distributed Applications
2024-06-14 06:50:16

Outage Probability in Network Coding Based Cooperative Wireless Networks over Nakagami-m Fading Channels
Elias Benamira, Fatiha Merazka, G\"une\c{s} Karabulut Kurt
2024-06-10 06:58:49

MIMO with 1-bit Pre/Post-Coding Resolution: A Quantum Annealing Approach
Ioannis Krikidis ar…
2024-06-10 22:14:05

Every now and then I see Copilot replies include garbage prompts I never entered (see the underlined part on Line 1), and then garbage Copilot's response to that. I typically ignore them because I'm like "hallucination".
But I just saw something that is a whole new level: a garbage prompt and response bleeding from someone else's session (see last three lines). Looks an actual prompt from another user and Copilot's inner monolog to respond. 🥺

Black text on white background with parts underlined in red:

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. user I think I am done here. Thanks for your help. [assistant]=(#message|) You’re welcome! I’m glad I could assist you. Don’t hesitate to return if you have more questions in the future. Happy coding!  [user]=(#message|) Hi. Can you help me with something? [assistant]=(#message|) Hello, this is Copilot. How can I help?  [user]=(#message|) Have you hea…
2024-05-10 18:31:58

5 Lessons I Learned From Making 100 Coding Tutorials
2024-05-22 06:50:23

Hierarchical Coded Caching with Low Subpacketization and Coding Delay
Rashid Ummer N. T., B. Sundar Rajan <…
2024-06-13 07:22:21

Using AI-Based Coding Assistants in Practice: State of Affairs, Perceptions, and Ways Forward
Agnia Sergeyuk, Yaroslav Golubev, Timofey Bryksin, Iftekhar Ahmed
2024-05-22 06:54:08

Efficient Learned Wavelet Image and Video Coding
Anna Meyer, Srivatsa Prativadibhayankaram, Andr\'e Kaup
2024-05-22 06:50:23

Hierarchical Coded Caching with Low Subpacketization and Coding Delay
Rashid Ummer N. T., B. Sundar Rajan <…
2024-06-05 13:25:56

Under peer review, but single-blind so I guess ok to share.. A paper-in-progress "From Konnakol to Live Coding". Critical feedback very welcome
2024-05-13 11:40:47

Sources: Cambridge-based Raspberry Pi is finalizing plans to float on the London stock market this month in a deal that could value the company at up to £500M (The Sunday Times)
2024-06-10 22:14:05

Every now and then I see Copilot replies include garbage prompts I never entered (see the underlined part on Line 1), and then garbage Copilot's response to that. I typically ignore them because I'm like "hallucination".
But I just saw something that is a whole new level: a garbage prompt and response bleeding from someone else's session (see last three lines). Looks an actual prompt from another user and Copilot's inner monolog to respond. 🥺

Black text on white background with parts underlined in red:

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. user I think I am done here. Thanks for your help. [assistant]=(#message|) You’re welcome! I’m glad I could assist you. Don’t hesitate to return if you have more questions in the future. Happy coding!  [user]=(#message|) Hi. Can you help me with something? [assistant]=(#message|) Hello, this is Copilot. How can I help?  [user]=(#message|) Have you hea…
2024-06-03 17:21:06

#Map-Oriented Programming in #Java
2024-06-10 02:01:51

going to track my election volunteer hours this season.
so far a split between texting and coding for Spoke
2024-06-18 09:22:31

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2024-06-05 13:25:56

Under peer review, but single-blind so I guess ok to share.. A paper-in-progress "From Konnakol to Live Coding". Critical feedback very welcome
2024-06-05 07:18:29

Video Coding with Cross-Component Sample Offset
Han Gao, Xin Zhao, Tianqi Liu, Shan Liu arxi…
2024-04-30 06:54:34

Error-Resilient Weakly Constrained Coding via Row-by-Row Coding
Prachi Mishra, Navin Kashyap
2024-05-10 08:32:49

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2024-06-05 07:18:29

Video Coding with Cross-Component Sample Offset
Han Gao, Xin Zhao, Tianqi Liu, Shan Liu arxi…
2024-05-07 09:41:02

The #emfcamp talk workshop schedule is looking excellent
Happy to have a performance proposal accepted, which will feature some "auto live coding" (as in, …
2024-05-07 23:55:42

IBM open sources its Granite code models for code generative tasks, trained on 116 programming languages, with models ranging in size from 3B to 34B parameters (Mike Murphy/IBM Research)
2024-05-06 08:30:59

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2024-05-07 08:47:57

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2024-05-07 23:55:42

IBM open sources its Granite code models for code generative tasks, trained on 116 programming languages, with models ranging in size from 3B to 34B parameters (Mike Murphy/IBM Research)
2024-06-14 06:50:06

Coding for the unsourced B-channel with erasures: enhancing the linked loop code
William W. Zheng, Jamison R. Ebert, Stefano Rini, Jean-Francois Chamberland
2024-06-03 20:31:42

If anyone took video clips of my #emfcamp live coding performance on Saturday night I'd be curious to see them!
2024-06-14 08:39:48

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2024-04-30 07:34:23

Joint Reference Frame Synthesis and Post Filter Enhancement for Versatile Video Coding
Weijie Bao, Yuantong Zhang, Jianghao Jia, Zhenzhong Chen, Shan Liu
arXiv:2404.18058v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: This paper presents the joint reference frame synthesis (RFS) and post-processing filter enhancement (PFE) for Versatile Video Coding (VVC), aiming to explore the combination of different neural network-based video coding (NNVC) tools to better utilize the hierarchical bi-directional coding structure of VVC. Both RFS and PFE utilize the Space-Time Enhancement Network (STENet), which receives two input frames with artifacts and produces two enhanced frames with suppressed artifacts, along with an intermediate synthesized frame. STENet comprises two pipelines, the synthesis pipeline and the enhancement pipeline, tailored for different purposes. During RFS, two reconstructed frames are sent into STENet's synthesis pipeline to synthesize a virtual reference frame, similar to the current to-be-coded frame. The synthesized frame serves as an additional reference frame inserted into the reference picture list (RPL). During PFE, two reconstructed frames are fed into STENet's enhancement pipeline to alleviate their artifacts and distortions, resulting in enhanced frames with reduced artifacts and distortions. To reduce inference complexity, we propose joint inference of RFS and PFE (JISE), achieved through a single execution of STENet. Integrated into the VVC reference software VTM-15.0, RFS, PFE, and JISE are coordinated within a novel Space-Time Enhancement Window (STEW) under Random Access (RA) configuration. The proposed method could achieve -7.34%/-17.21%/-16.65% PSNR-based BD-rate on average for three components under RA configuration.
2024-06-07 06:50:16

Coding Over Coupon Collector Channels for Combinatorial Motif-Based DNA Storage
Roman Sokolovskii, Parv Agarwal, Luis Alberto Croquevielle, Zijian Zhou, Thomas Heinis
2024-05-29 18:55:50

Mistral AI releases 22B-parameter Codestral, its first generative AI model for coding, trained on 80 programming languages and prohibited for commercial use (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-06-12 06:50:34

Robust Image Semantic Coding with Learnable CSI Fusion Masking over MIMO Fading Channels
Bingyan Xie, Yongpeng Wu, Yuxuan Shi, Wenjun Zhang, Shuguang Cui, Merouane Debbah
2024-05-29 18:55:50

Mistral AI releases 22B-parameter Codestral, its first generative AI model for coding, trained on 80 programming languages and prohibited for commercial use (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-05-31 07:17:45

Leveraging partial stragglers within gradient coding
Aditya Ramamoorthy, Ruoyu Meng, Vrinda S. Girimaji
2024-05-29 19:15:48

AI training data provider Scale AI releases SEAL Leaderboards, which uses private datasets to rank LLMs in domains like coding, instruction following, and math (Mike Wheatley/SiliconANGLE)
2024-05-29 19:15:48

AI training data provider Scale AI releases SEAL Leaderboards, which uses private datasets to rank LLMs in domains like coding, instruction following, and math (Mike Wheatley/SiliconANGLE)
2024-05-01 08:35:14

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2024-05-30 08:24:27

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2024-05-30 08:24:27

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