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2024-04-06 15:50:12

In the wake of the xz exploit, I quipped, “Free software, eh, fine, whatever. What does •sustainable• software look like?”
I haven’t heard anybody give a more thoughtful or more useful answer to that question than @… in this blog post, which has not one but •two• crucial insights:
OK. Where are the rings?
We left them with the little islanders from Asia.
It's always the help, in the library, with a lead pipe.

Poster about the late 1800s through early 1900s, depicting the "new partnership" between Britain and the USA in the "The Great Rapprochement".
2024-03-06 18:58:39

Interesting. I was introduced to The School of Thought website which is meant to engage users into critical thinking on conspiracy theories, misinformation, and fallacies, etc.
Anyone use this? Thoughts?
2024-04-01 16:47:06

Federation in the #Wikimedia #Commons Query Service is impressively powerful: You can use the wealth of information contained in #Wikidata, combine it with structured metadata on Commons and re…
2024-05-04 16:32:18

When I want my mind blown, I compare former world's largest supercomputers to the tech I have around.
ASCI Red, the world's fastest supercomputer until the year 2000, was 150m² large, consumed 850,000W of power …and was slower than an iPhone 14 Pro, which uses ~6W.
ASCI Red had over 1TB of RAM, which may still sound impressive, except that RAM was 2× slower than the iPhone's 1TB SSD.
2024-02-25 20:22:03

#10 design principles for [[governing the commons]]:
2024-02-29 16:56:28

#softwarecommons? "the two failure modes of a commons are the tragedy of the commons and enclosure. In the former, a majority of people overuses the common resource to the point of destruction, due to too few restrictions. In the latter, a minority of people gains control and excludes the majority, imposing too many restrictions. That is, same tension in commons management & softwa…
2024-04-06 06:50:22

Heute vor 57 Jahren: Am 6. April 1967 testen die #USA die Atombombe "Heilman". Die Operation #Latchkey war eine Serie von 38 US-amerikanischen #Kernwaffentests, die 1966/67 auf der Nevada…

Kartierung aller Koordinaten von "Operation Latchkey (Atomtest)" im Testgebiet Nevada (Nevada National Security Site, NNSS)
Quelle: OpenStreetMap
Lizenz: Open Data Commons Open Database-Lizenz (ODbL)
2024-04-06 06:50:22

Heute vor 57 Jahren: Am 6. April 1967 testen die #USA die Atombombe "Heilman". Die Operation #Latchkey war eine Serie von 38 US-amerikanischen #Kernwaffentests, die 1966/67 auf der Nevada…

Kartierung aller Koordinaten von "Operation Latchkey (Atomtest)" im Testgebiet Nevada (Nevada National Security Site, NNSS)
Quelle: OpenStreetMap
Lizenz: Open Data Commons Open Database-Lizenz (ODbL)
2024-04-07 09:28:47

Heute vor 70 Jahren: Am 7. April 1954 testen die USA im Rahmen von Operation Castle eine weitere Wasserstoffbombe. Die #Koon explodierte im Bikini Atoll oberirdisch u. entwickelte eine Sprengkraft von 110KT (vorgesagt waren 0,33-3,5MT). Der Test gilt als Fehlschlag.

Kartierung aller Koordinaten von "Operation Latchkey (Atomtest)" im Testgebiet Nevada (Nevada National Security Site, NNSS)
Quelle: OpenStreetMap
Lizenz: Open Data Commons Open Database-Lizenz (ODbL)