@… @… There is so much right about this that I don't know where to start.
The only worry I have is that it sounds hard for someone else to create a competing implementation, and I think that we need more of that from our…
@… Best kind.
@… There is a read API, but it returns “”.
@… I definitely would enjoy learning more about this stuff. Do you have any good places to start?
Got bullied* into doing some yoga and chilling out instead.
All good though. Now I am beered up and ready to write!
* after complaining about my shoulders for 20 straight minutes
The best thing about blogging is that I take things out of my head, which is full, and put them somewhere else.
The second best thing about blogging is that I meet more interesting people when I do it.
@… @… I love this SO MUCH
@… @… *smashes the Subscribe button*
@… It's a whole new team now, isn't it? Makes me sad that it didn't work out. I agree that their editor was a pain but I think it was a pain in the right direction.