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Wow! Thanks for the marvelous, historic science paper riches!
I’m going to start poring through them. (As soon as I finish downloading horror movies by Roger Corman, a recently deceased horror and B-movie maker. Zappa talks about his movie “It Conquered The World“ in the song “Cheepnis”.)
#CheapMonsterMovies #Bmovies
2024-05-11 16:09:25

Oh look, the Chinese have unlocked the capacity to execute a Torment Nexus rhetorical fault at nearly Silicon Valley levels of efficiency
#Cyberpunk #WarningNotAManual
2024-04-11 15:22:09

“Buffon had enemies, because his message – that nature cannot be conquered, that humans were, in fact, part of nature – was essentially disconcerting to other people.”
Still is.
The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
2024-04-04 23:40:06

Populous the Beginning: unexplored territory
I have now progressed further than ever before. Bloodlust has been conquered. Back in 2005, I wrote of my troubles.  I started optimistic, settled for a war of attrition, then got a bit gung-ho and lost it all.  I tried many times to complete that level, and never managed it.  I did this time, though - on the fourth attempt.
2024-04-04 08:25:51

"To focus on music venues as steps to be conquered on the way to a career is everything that is wrong with the commodification of art, especially in a time when that route is a slippery illusion. Let’s celebrate grassroots venues not as part of the infrastructure of an industry that’s nigh-on kaput, but for what they are – vital, beloved rooms where those onstage create an energy that, even if it’s only witnessed by 10, 20 people, lets us touch the electricity of music, and find a littl…
2024-02-28 21:16:02

Richard Lewis has done so many hilarious things. He also did THE WRONG GUYS with Franklin Ajaye, Richard Belzer, Tim Thomerson, and Louie Anderson. I have great childhood fondness for this terrible movie.
RIP Richard, Louie and Belz
It needs an HD release.…

It may seem absurd to refer to a rich guy who went to an Ivy League school and has been a public figure for a long time as an ⭐️aspiring elite⭐️
but by Professor Turchin’s definition, Mr. Trump fits the term because 🔸he wanted forms of power he did not have. 🔸
He had wealth, which is one of Professor Turchin’s four types of elite power, but precariously.
He had neither the kind of influence that media figures who deal in persuasion have
nor the raw political power th…
2024-03-17 01:29:54

"Trump began attacking DeSantis again right after **DeSantis signed legislation to allow the release of grand jury documents in the Epstein case**"
Trump's latest attack could mean he fears 'extremely damaging' Jeffrey Epstein report - Raw Story…
2024-03-18 13:17:59

🐟 Removing Washington salmon barriers surges to $1M a day, but results are murky