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2024-04-06 16:21:06

A look at OnlyFans AI chatbot startups, which are replacing some low-wage workers with bots trained on creators' chats to mimic their dirty talk and upselling (Alexandra Sternlicht/Fortune)

Trump did not send emails or text messages.
This aversion has long been known, but the trial testimony laid out a whole series of ways in which Trump communicated without leaving precise documentation.
He was on the phone beginning at 6 in the morning and “late into the night after I went to bed, so I always felt guilty about that,” Westerhout testified.
He’d often use Schiller’s cellphone to make calls, and employees would use that number to reach Trump.
There were no…
2024-06-05 00:30:32

Asteroid Kamo`oalewa's journey from the lunar Giordano Bruno crater to Earth 1:1 resonance: #Tianwen2 asteroid sampling mission, exhibits a meta-stable 1:1 mean-motion resonance with Earth. [...] Here we use numerical simulations to demonstrate that Kamo`oalewa's physical and orbital properties are compatible with a fragment from a crater larger than 10--20 km formed on the Moon in the last few million years."
2024-04-05 18:50:05

No. There’s no “turns out” in this. There are just people who are ignorant of history and the provenance of musical instruments. We’ve long known from whence the banjo came.
From: @…
2024-06-06 05:58:17

"Lists of predatory journals and publishers: a review for future refinement" #PredatoryPublishing
2024-06-06 07:01:44

Knotted 4-regular graphs II: Consistent application of the Pachner moves
Daniel Cartin arxiv…
2024-06-06 11:47:14

Tarzan, Lost Since 1983, Swings Back Onto The Atari 2600
Tarzan, Lost Since 1983, Swings Back Onto The Atari 2600 Computer gaming history is littered with tales of fabled lost hardware…
2024-06-06 07:30:05

Evaluation of Vortex Criteria by Virtue of the Quadruple Decomposition of Velocity Gradient Tensor
Zhen Li, Xiwen Zhang, Feng He

Trump is currently leading in the polls.
It’s entirely possible he will be elected president.
Yet he’s continuing to aggressively pursue business deals in countries that will have a long list of issues on which they will be seeking U.S. support.
The Trump Organization entered a full-on partnership with LIV Golf,
an entity majority-owned by the government of Saudi Arabia,
for tournaments at his golf courses.
And last year, a New York Times reporter and p…
2024-04-04 04:35:41

Meta is testing giving cash bonuses to creators who post engaging content on Threads, as part of an invite-only program (Business Insider)