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2024-04-21 17:06:26

Last week, my boss told me he was impressed that I had 0 sick days in the last 12 months, especially considering the sudden break up of my marriage.
This weekend, my body obviously decided that he was right and that it should remind me what it was like to be sick. 😕 Been laid up all day with a horrible cough, chills and headache. Oh, fun!
2024-05-21 18:17:48

@… just listened to episode 195: my work is mostly using Gen8 i3 and i5's and we have to upgrade to Windows 11. A lot of the legacy laptops will need to be replaced, but most of us (and most of the refurbished laptops we get) are Gen8's and although they *just* about work on Windows 11, I suspect they will have to upgrade many people in about 18 months. I…
2024-05-21 11:49:24

One of my colleagues has been having a lengthy discussion about Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) that work enforced. We had (and still have) loads of issues with it, but management says it's fine, just use this option (which they haven't turned on).
My colleague suggested an alternative - a third party app. The response was, I kid you not:
"Yeah, I looked at that, but it's open source and we don't know what it's doing behind the scenes"
2024-05-21 19:45:49

I've never heard AI explained so well as this. This is exactly what all the hype feels like, I'm glad I'm not imagining it.
Don't get me wrong, I think, under the right circumstances, AI will be cool and change our lives. But not by forcing it into anything and everything just to meet the hype.
2024-03-21 20:10:09

Is it the dying fanboy inside me, or has Apple got worse since Steve Jobs passed away? Not saying it was all roses when he was in charge, but I've seen many more questionable decisions which I think go against the core of what Steve tried to bring to the "new" Apple. I think he'd be disappointed to see what they've done.
2024-05-19 19:19:49

About to dive into Discworld book number 4: Mort. Looking forward to this one.
#Discworld #bookstodon #books
2024-05-18 11:06:30

Watching my 14 year old play Terraria and have absolutely no idea what is going on. I suddenly understand how my dad felt watching me play Worms 2 all those years ago.
Feeling old 🤣
2024-05-18 22:26:07

3rd Discworld book done and an excellent read. I don't see why I should stop, book 4 will start tomorrow.
#Discworld #amReading #bookstodon

Bookly inforgraphic of my stats for reading Terry Pratchett's Equal Rights, book 3 of his Discworld series. 

Streak award: 5 consecutive days
Pages read: 299
Total reading time: 8 hours, 48 minutes and 50 seconds
Reading speed in Pages per hour: 33
Most pages read in a day: 83
Most minutes read in a day: 157 minutes.

Made with bookly for Android.
2024-04-17 21:52:36

After only 4 hours of sleep last night and in an attempt to not sleep at my desk, I was looking at trying out @… for my notes (till I can understand how to set up Emacs on multiple devices efficiently) because I wanted to start writing notes on my Music learning.
During a cursory investigation, I found it has an extension for ABC Notation (
2024-05-17 15:15:11

In today's episode of "That's F****d up!":
My work bought a licence for a well known software. The user got a new laptop, and asked us to re-install it on their new laptop. We had the email saved from said licence purchase which held the download link. That link has now expired. I asked the company to send a new link.
"Sorry, if you want to use it again, you'll have to buy it again" 😮
So, buying something isn't really owning if you rely …