Индустрия требует отмены новых правил IRS
Новые правила IRS о KYC для DeFi-протоколов вызвали шквал критики. Лидеры криптоиндустрии называют их неконституционными и обвиняют агентство в попытке уничтожить инновации
Все громче звучат призывы к Конгрессу отменить эти правила, которые могут нанести серьезный удар по DeFi и вынудить криптобизнес уйти из США, на секйндочку крупнейший рынок в мире.
Ich hab da mal einen simplen Client für #paperlessngx zusammengezimmert: https://git.schmidl.dev/schtobia/paperless-client
Ich nehm heute Abend ab 21:00 Uhr eine „Tributes to Depeche Mode“-Sendung mit Coverversionen auf, falls wer dabei sein möchte.
OK, that was a lot of soldering #diysynth
Mastering Rust's Error Handling: A Guide to Writing Reliable Code
Rust's error handling system is a cornerstone of the language's commitment to writing safe and reliable code. As a Rust developer, I've come to appreciate the power and flexibility it offers. The system is designed to make error cases explicit, ensuring that developers consider and handle potential failure scenarios. […]
@… Can I interest you in /dev/null As A Service?
For the low price of $5.99/month, you can send me a link to anything, and I will lose it for you!
This is a write-only service.
Les crises affectent différemment la demande pour les activités, en fonction du type d'activité & de la personne
Dans notre nouvel article:
👉Nous divisons la population en typologies de mode de vie (Latent Cluster Analysis)
👉Une typologie des types d’activités couvre les interactions possibles crises ↔️ activités
👉Ces 2 typologies permettent de faire des prévisions
👉3 études de cas:
🦠pandémie de COVID-19
🥵vagues de chaleur
The ruble has lost 1/3rd of its value vs. the yuan, but if you factor in OTHER extra costs...
China strongly limits Russian access to tech in mech. engineering, aviation, and microelectronics.
"...they openly tell us: if you want to get some technologies, buy the product as a whole. We say: no, at best we need components that we'll replace soon. They tell us: we understand this, but aren't going to do it at normal prices. Here is double the price - please.&…