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2024-06-11 23:20:48

In other news, I've been spending a lot of time lately thinking about Emmy Noether and especially her two symmetry theorems, which can be given significant credit for shaping fundamental physics in the 20th century. They are astonishing: She PROVED that if a physical law has a symmetry (in the sense of being independent of say, the time) then there is a corresponding conservation law (for time, energy). Zowie. Higgs bosons flow from that profundity.
2024-06-11 23:20:48

In other news, I've been spending a lot of time lately thinking about Emmy Noether and especially her two symmetry theorems, which can be given significant credit for shaping fundamental physics in the 20th century. They are astonishing: She PROVED that if a physical law has a symmetry (in the sense of being independent of say, the time) then there is a corresponding conservation law (for time, energy). Zowie. Higgs bosons flow from that profundity.
2024-03-23 15:21:35

#LB A comunidade acadêmica deveria valorizar mais as participações femininas na história da matemštica. Eu obviamente jš conhecia os aneis noetherianos, mas eu só descobri que Noether era uma mulher muitos anos depois.