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2024-02-26 16:21:19

Stephen Hawking’s last paper, co-authored with #ERC grantee Thomas Hertog, proposes a new cosmological theory, in which universe is less complex and finite‬
2024-04-25 09:13:02

@… No recognizable strategy.
Cancel negotiations with the EU.
“Oh, big surprise, they’ve excluded us from ERC!”
“Let’s create transitional measures because research is important!”
“Research and higher ed isn’t really that important, let’s cut funding: it’s the universities’ turn to contribute to a balanced budget!”
What’s next?

2024-04-25 09:13:02

@… No recognizable strategy.
Cancel negotiations with the EU.
“Oh, big surprise, they’ve excluded us from ERC!”
“Let’s create transitional measures because research is important!”
“Research and higher ed isn’t really that important, let’s cut funding: it’s the universities’ turn to contribute to a balanced budget!”
What’s next?
2024-03-14 06:49:57

SACR\'E BLEU: Self-Assessed Creator Royalties \'Enforced by Balancing Liquidity Estimation & Utility (A formal definition and analysis of Ethereum Request for Comment ERC-7526)
David Huber, Arran Schlosberg
2024-04-09 06:47:58

AuditGPT: Auditing Smart Contracts with ChatGPT
Shihao Xia, Shuai Shao, Mengting He, Tingting Yu, Linhai Song, Yiying Zhang
2024-03-14 06:49:57

SACR\'E BLEU: Self-Assessed Creator Royalties \'Enforced by Balancing Liquidity Estimation & Utility (A formal definition and analysis of Ethereum Request for Comment ERC-7526)
David Huber, Arran Schlosberg
2024-03-04 18:32:36

ERC-Projekte, Fluch oder Segen. (Als Institutsdirektorin sage ich: Beides, heute aber: Fluch.)
2024-03-13 06:48:03

CKERC : Joint Large Language Models with Commonsense Knowledge for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
Yumeng Fu
2024-03-01 22:09:26

ERC Scientific Council member Tom Henzinger, a computer scientist at the Institute of Science & Technology Austria in Klosterneuburg, claims ChatGPT seems no different from running text by a colleague for feedback. And that particular use, as a critic of your paper, might actually be useful, but no, Tom, it's more like asking random undergrads to pen the core parts, and then not check their work.
Nature: Is ChatGPT making scientists hyper-productive?
2024-03-13 06:48:03

CKERC : Joint Large Language Models with Commonsense Knowledge for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
Yumeng Fu