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2024-11-21 20:03:19

Metsäkatoasetus: jäsenvaltiot hylkäsivät Euroopan parlamentin kaoottiset muutokset #luonto #ympäristö #metsä
2024-10-29 14:25:51

Where would I report a product (in the EU, as a private person) with an inherent design issue that is life-threatening? It's in the same vein as a car with a gas pedal that can get stuck by design, so it likely would need a mass recall/fix. It doesn't make sense to report it to the producing company because this company is known to having denied similar issues.
2024-10-11 17:52:47

Von ⁨@noybeu⁩ #noyb
#EuGH: #Meta muss #Datennutzung für

EuGH: Meta muss Datennutzung für Werbung „minimieren“ (Symbolbild).
Maximilian „Max“ Schrems, Mitgründer und Vorstandsvorsitzender von „none of your business“ (noyb).