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2024-06-07 07:21:01

Synthetic Programming Elicitation and Repair for Text-to-Code in Very Low-Resource Programming Languages
Federico Mora, Justin Wong, Haley Lepe, Sahil Bhatia, Karim Elmaaroufi, George Varghese, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Elizabeth Polgreen, Sanjit A. Seshia
2024-06-13 05:51:41

Autism spectrum, feelings and (against all odds) a Witcher quote
[…] Because you're a witcher and you can't feel any emotion. You don't want to fulfill my request, because you think that you care about her, you think that… Geralt, you are with her only because she wants that, and you'll be with her for as long as she wants to. What you're feeling is a projection of her emotion, her interest in you. To all demons of the Pit, Geralt, you're not a child, you know who you are. You're a mutant. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying this to offend or disdain you. I'm just stating a fact. You're a mutant, and one of the basic features of your mutation is your full immunity to emotion. You've been made like this so that you could do your job. Do you understand? You can't feel anything. What you're taking as emotion is actually cell memory, somatic memory, if you know what that means.
(Andrzej Sapkowski, Miecz przeznaczenia, Okruch lodu, Istredd's words, my own translation)
However the context is different, it made me think of my own problems with emotions.
Am I capable of love? Or perhaps I can merely project somebody else's feelings, return them at the best. Or perhaps just intellectually be aware of what I am supposed to feel.
Was perhaps that, what I used to take for "love", actually gratitude that somebody was nice to me, or that she showed interest?
Or perhaps was it that she fitted into an unrealistic model that I've engraved into my personality as a child?
Or just an attachment, a feeling of safety, stemming from a large data set. A conviction that unpleasant surprise is no longer that likely.
Or just desperation, a need that's been forced into me since I was a child and that now I'm trying to attain based on what the media, books and personal stories tell me about it.
Or even something resembling a Stockholm syndrome. "At least she's paying attention to me. I know the worst she could do to me."
2024-06-14 16:00:02

"Harmful gases destroying ozone layer falling faster than expected, study finds"
#Ozone #OzoneLayer #Chemicals
2024-06-16 18:15:50

So, France plans to force the Internet domain name system servers (such as Google's to give wrong answers.
(Imagine what that will do to DNSSEC, or how it will boost DoH and DoT access to DNS.)
Sounds a lot like the Fifth Lateran Council's attempt to limit the publication of books (using excommunication as a tool.)
Compare the following two items (in the second one, search for the heading "On printing books")
2024-06-12 00:09:53

Great 🧵 about Apple’s Private Cloud Compute system to handle tasks beyond what can be done on device. I have mixed feelings about so-called “artificial intelligence”. I don’t like how data gets scraped without permission, and is displacing jobs. But, when it comes to using large language models as a tool, like better organizing my inbox, I’m okay with that. Obviously, when the rubber meets the road, I’m likely to change my mind.
2024-06-18 09:23:31

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2024-06-12 08:50:17

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2024-06-08 16:18:19

#NowPlaying Dreamt I was driving in the Excelsior district, and as I was going downhill on a narrow street, this one house on the left stood out from the rest because it looked like an old church with a flimsy wooden gate that’s always open and a long footpath to the entrance surrounded by shrubbery.
2024-06-17 07:13:40

Synthesis of Mg$_2$IrH$_5$: A potential pathway to high-$T_c$ hydride superconductivity at ambient pressure
Mads F. Hansen, Lewis J. Conway, Kapildeb Dolui, Christoph Heil, Chris J. Pickard, Anna Pakhomova, Mohammed Mezouar, Martin Kunz, Rohit P. Prasankumar, Timothy A. Strobel
2024-06-12 08:50:17

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