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2024-04-11 22:35:40

"Six people were working the night shift on the Francis Scott Key Bridge when it collapsed after being rammed by a cargo ship. The missing construction workers include men from El Salvador, Mexico, and Guatemala.
"Immigrants from Latin America are among the workers most likely to die in the workplace, according to a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
"'They come here for better opportunities.'... filling jobs US-born workers won't."…
2024-04-08 10:26:26

👉🏽 Key Bridge Collapse Shipowner Could Legally Skirt Liability
2024-03-29 15:41:56

Opinion | While Immigrants Die to Repair Bridges, US Politicians Risk Lives by Building Walls | Common Dreams
2024-05-28 12:39:07

The hopefully final version of the Barduino. I really wanted to keep it as through-hole as possible, so everything except for the ATmega328PB, the FTDI IC, and the USB connector are through hole. Pretty happy with how it turned out, now it's time to get the boards ordered and make sure everything works...then order a bunch #electronics

The front of the Barduino PCB.  Standard pin headers flank the sides of the board measuring 47mm in width and 65.5mm in height.  The MicroUSB B connector is on the bottom with the ATmega328PB in the middle.  3mm LEDs are on the bottom for power, RX, and TX info and an island for the 2x3 ICSP below and to the right of the middle of the board.  The PCB is green and all of the pins are labeled.
The back of the Barduino PCB which has a listing of all the capacitor values.  It also reminds folks who are building it that you'll need to burn a bootloader for it to work as "Step 0".  The Open Source Hardware logo is on the top-right of the board, and links to my website and GitHub repo because the schematics and such will be living there.