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2024-06-06 19:21:11

Jalin Hyatt says the Giants are a playoff team: 'That's our focus and we're gonna get there'
2024-06-07 16:48:13

The fucking gall..

Among the key planned investments is the MTA’s focus on expanding transit accessibility for people with disabilities, following a 2022 settlement of class-action lawsuits that requires 95% of all subway and Staten Island Railway stations be equipped with elevators or ramps by 2055.

“Governor Hochul proudly claimed credit for the settlement,” a group comprised of five disability-rights groups said in a statement Thursday. “We need those elevators and other essential transit projects to move f…
2024-06-06 21:15:07

The more I mess around with LLMs the more I realize:
AI can supplement.
AI can focus.
AI can not replace.
2024-06-07 10:37:37

Wow, seeing all the CSS Day content coming up and very jealous. And I missed @… !! I will make it a priority to go to one conference about CSS when the divorce is over and I can focus on webdev again. Especially if Kevin is talking!
2024-06-06 19:15:59

Dan Campbell stresses focus for 2024 Lions: 'We can’t do the Ron Burgundy. We can’t just continue to read off the teleprompter.'
2024-06-07 09:09:04

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2024-06-06 06:52:28

FREA: Feasibility-Guided Generation of Safety-Critical Scenarios with Reasonable Adversariality
Keyu Chen, Yuheng Lei, Hao Cheng, Haoran Wu, Wenchao Sun, Sifa Zheng
2024-06-07 09:09:06

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2024-06-06 06:57:46

Reconfiguring Participatory Design to Resist AI Realism
Aakash Gautam…
2024-06-06 10:02:35

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2024-06-06 07:24:03

Mukai lifting of self-dual points in $\mathbb{P}^6$
Barbara Betti, Leonie Kayser…
2024-06-06 10:04:31

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2024-06-07 07:25:49

LDM-RSIC: Exploring Distortion Prior with Latent Diffusion Models for Remote Sensing Image Compression
Junhui Li, Jutao Li, Xingsong Hou, Huake Wang, Yutao Zhang, Yujie Dun, Wenke Sun
2024-06-06 10:10:54

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2024-06-06 06:48:45

Tolerant Algorithms for Learning with Arbitrary Covariate Shift
Surbhi Goel, Abhishek Shetty, Konstantinos Stavropoulos, Arsen Vasilyan
2024-06-07 09:03:16

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2024-06-07 07:06:52

An improved description of charm fragmentation data
Matteo Cacciari, Andrea Ghira, Simone Marzani, Giovanni Ridolfi
2024-06-07 06:59:40

GWnext 2024: Meeting Summary
Alejandro Torres-Orjuela, Veronica Vazquez-Aceves, Rui Xu, Jin-Hong Chen, Andrea Derdzinski, Matthias U. Kruckow, Stefano Rinaldi, Lorenzo Speri, Ziming Wang, Garvin Yim, Xue-Ting Zhang, Qian Hu, Miaoxin Liu, Xiangyu Lyu, Zheng Wu, Cong Zhou, Manuel Arca Sedda, Yan-Chen Bi, Hong-Yu Chen, Xian Chen, Jiageng Jiao, Yu-Mei Wu
2024-06-06 00:10:21

CISA advisors urge changes to JCDC's goals, operations, membership criteria
2024-06-06 06:56:21

Atomic representations of R. Thompson's groups and Cuntz's algebra
Arnaud Brothier, Dilshan Wijesena
2024-06-07 07:15:51

Projection-Free Variance Reduction Methods for Stochastic Constrained Multi-Level Compositional Optimization
Wei Jiang, Sifan Yang, Wenhao Yang, Yibo Wang, Yuanyu Wan, Lijun Zhang
2024-06-07 08:55:21

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2024-06-06 06:48:22

Promotional Language and the Adoption of Innovative Ideas in Science
Hao Peng, Huilian Sophie Qiu, Henrik Barslund Fosse, Brian Uzzi
2024-06-06 06:51:22

Opportunistic Delay Tolerant Routing for LED Wristbands in Music Events
Nandita Joshi, Milena Radenkovic
2024-06-07 07:10:50

Comparing estimators of discriminative performance of time-to-event models
Ying Jin, Andrew Leroux
2024-06-07 06:54:13

Matrices over polynomial rings approached by commutative algebra
Zaqueu Ramos, Aron Simis ar…
2024-06-06 07:15:14

Genuine-Focused Learning using Mask AutoEncoder for Generalized Fake Audio Detection
Xiaopeng Wang, Ruibo Fu, Zhengqi Wen, Zhiyong Wang, Yuankun Xie, Yukun Liu, Jianhua Tao, Xuefei Liu, Yongwei Li, Xin Qi, Yi Lu, Shuchen Shi
2024-06-06 07:29:46

On the hypergeometric function and families of holomorphic functions
Mark Elin, Fiana Jacobzon
2024-06-06 07:30:30

Parametric Study of a Bladeless Fan Geometry: Investigating the Influence of Geometry Parameters on Discharge Ratio and Thrust Force
Guillaume Ma\^itrejean, Merlin Kempf, Lucas Antoniali, Feirrera-Lopes, Mohamed Karrouch, Didier Bleses, Fran\c{c}ois Truong, Denis C. D. Roux
2024-06-06 10:04:52

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2024-06-07 08:55:52

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2024-06-06 10:13:00

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2024-06-06 06:52:28

FREA: Feasibility-Guided Generation of Safety-Critical Scenarios with Reasonable Adversariality
Keyu Chen, Yuheng Lei, Hao Cheng, Haoran Wu, Wenchao Sun, Sifa Zheng
2024-06-07 09:15:33

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2024-06-06 06:57:28

A Priori Estimation of the Approximation, Optimization and Generalization Error of Random Neural Networks for Solving Partial Differential Equations
Xianliang Xu, Zhongyi Huang
2024-06-07 18:46:42

FBI releases 475-page document on O.J. Simpson
2024-06-07 08:54:09

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2024-06-07 08:53:16

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2024-06-06 10:13:48

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2024-06-07 08:54:13

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2024-06-06 10:02:44

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2024-06-07 09:06:37

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2024-06-07 07:15:00

Strong-Coupling Modification of Singlet-Fission Dynamical Pathways
Lisamaria Wallner, Charlotte Remnant, Oriol Vendrell
2024-06-07 09:08:05

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Trump's Lawyers turn focus to classified documents case after New York verdict
Donald Trump's lawyers are preparing to redirect their focus on the charges that the former president illegally retained classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida,
moving on after Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies in his New York criminal trial last month.
The documents case now stands with singular importance for Trump,
🔸as it is the only case with ongoing procee…
2024-06-06 07:27:43

The PESQetarian: On the Relevance of Goodhart's Law for Speech Enhancement
Danilo de Oliveira, Simon Welker, Julius Richter, Timo Gerkmann
2024-06-07 09:03:15

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2024-06-13 17:42:52

FERC Commissioner Christie--who has longstanding ties to the natural gas industry and who has for years been saying that the US is retiring coal plants too quickly and that the US needs to build MOAR GAS and not renewables--is now accusing his fellow commissioners of being captured by the renewable lobby.
In other news, pot calls kettle black.
2024-06-06 10:06:42

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2024-06-07 07:30:11

RoboCoder: Robotic Learning from Basic Skills to General Tasks with Large Language Models
Jingyao Li, Pengguang Chen, Sitong Wu, Chuanyang Zheng, Hong Xu, Jiaya Jia
2024-06-07 03:55:05

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Dance
Sub Focus:
🎵 Off The Ground
#BBCR1 #SubFocus
2024-06-07 08:53:30

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2024-06-16 15:34:04

Older women are being significantly shortchanged by medical research - men are the focus of more health studies, leaving unanswered questions about women and cancer, Alzheimer’s and other serious conditions. - The Washington Post…
2024-06-07 08:52:10

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2024-06-15 03:28:55

I'd like your thoughts on generalising & extending the following:
When time-boxing desk work (I use Pomodoro), it seems to help a lot to restrict the first chunk of time exclusively to set-up (tools, work space, resources...) and prep, only starting &…
2024-06-17 08:10:50

Experts say generative AI is set to make certain skills in finance and accounting redundant and free up time for workers to focus more on value-added tasks (Seb Murray/Financial Times)
2024-06-14 19:26:12

"Following her lecture, Maria Todorova discusses with sociologist Manuela Boatca whether and to what extent (de)colonization theories can be made productive in Eastern European studies. The focus is the question of whether all empires can automatically be regarded as colonial." #Osteuropa #Imperium
2024-06-17 00:26:48

My brain doing that awful between-projects thing casting about for topics to focus on and problems to solve with nothing good to latch onto
2024-06-18 05:53:35

Do you find that loud, distracting music helps you focus?
It depends… (comment below maybe?)
2024-06-15 16:18:50

EU states won't be directly involved in $50 billion loan for Ukraine, Italian PM says:
2024-06-16 14:39:57

I was also thinking about getting user emails in a list to do something for retention. I would love to put more focus on keeping the users we got since the flow of new users is currently at a trickle.
2024-06-14 18:39:06

Awhile ago, @… (another dominant hypnotist) created a group chat on Signal ( for guys interested in erotic hypnosis, and posted a link on Mastodon so others c…
2024-06-14 15:04:42

Glad to see this documentary focus on the women who were canceled for telling their stories
#movies #film #documentary
2024-06-18 17:05:26

Back at it. The conductor immediately recognized my Pacifica Taco Bell sticker and was very happy about that.
#Amtrak #CoastStarlight #Tågskryt

View out the window of the Amtrak Coast Starlight southbound from Oakland to Los Angeles
Stickers on a computer. Main focus is a sticker with a picture of the Taco Bell in Pacifica California. The Taco Bell is very popular and right on the beach.
Picture out the window of the Amtrak Coast Starlight of cloud reflected in water (salt pond).
2024-06-13 16:00:03

"Forget about finding your passion. Instead, focus on finding big problems."
— Marc Cuban
Agree, disagree — be inspired or not.
QOTD is fuel for conversation, and food for thought.
2024-06-14 00:03:16

I continue to be disappointed by the illiberal behavior of supposedly “progressive” universities. In the end, they’re all just cogs in the same classist, capitalistic, cronyist system we all happen to live in.
Money trumps ethics, every time.
2024-06-13 16:56:49

Interesting post on the future or lack thereof of Generative AI.
Microsoft is ""... shifting our focus on GPTs to Commercial and Enterprise scenarios and are stopping GPT efforts in consumer Copilot." Translation: Microsoft isn't making enough money from consumer MS365 subscriptions to pay for the cloud costs of an OpenAI-based service."
2024-06-15 13:51:26

"This post will focus on how we produce fresh water and how we dispose of wastewater at the South Pole."
2024-06-13 18:26:35

California lilac, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus, blooming in Salesforce Park last spring 🌿

A conic panicle of tiny pale blue flowers with yellow-white stamens visible, framed by out-of-focus leaves and more inflorescences
2024-06-10 18:09:14

Love the privacy focus on all new features #WWDC
2024-06-12 22:55:39

Q&A with Jingna Zhang, the founder of anti-AI social platform Cara, about its focus on artists, having nearly 900K users, generative AI vs. creativity, and more (Kate Knibbs/Wired)
2024-06-10 12:31:37

How is Scotland faring after Brexit? | Focus on Europe - YouTube
"The handouts from Westminster are not as good as those from the EU"
With the next general election coming, there is still no majority for rejoi…
2024-06-13 15:14:21

Slogans mainly are bad. But like most things they can be used in ways that help or hurt. The main problem is when they substitute for a method to achieve the aim (most of the time). If the slogan serves like a mission statement to focus people on something useful to focus on and it is one minor part of a system to achieve a result it can be fine and even useful...

poster with a photo of a rocky beach and text:


2024-06-12 22:33:16

Same with this "Maven" thing today.
They want to make some kinda AI-edited personal-magazine. A narrow-focus news show, personalized for you by terra-flops of statistical correlations.
People do seem to like algorithmic feeds. Nobody can read everything, so some kinda summary or selector is inevitable.
But to do it, you gotta read everything.
That mega-mind is gonna be babbling to bosses and dates about every public word on the web whatever your privacy settings say.
These folks have "deleted" the data for now at least.
But that T&C's switcheroo is even easier if we never signed any T&Cs and they have implied consent because google made the precedent back in the 90s when they indexed the whole web.
#maven #consent #ai
2024-06-10 09:17:18

Which areas should Brian Cashman focus on at the trade deadline? Four Yankees takeaways
#MLB #Baseball #TheAthletic
2024-06-08 23:36:44

Is anyone aware of a (stereo) microscope with a swing-lens setup allowing the focal plane to be angled, vs normal to the view axis?
Goal is to have the largest possible portion of a flat surface be in focus when seen from about a 30-50 degree angle.
2024-06-11 17:09:56

Two 2GW offshore wind farms have been successfully tendered by the Dutch government: one to be developed by pension fund ABP with SSE (concession fee €1m/yr, additional focus on nature), the other by Vattenfall & CIP (fee €20m/yr, combined with 1GW electrolyser at the Rotterdam landing point).
2024-06-12 23:01:17

Raiders' Davante Adams reveals his nickname for Brock Bowers
2024-06-17 20:12:02

⚡ Exploring the Use of Cold Atmospheric Plasma for Sound and Vibration Generation
2024-06-08 07:20:28

America's Got Talent 2024 Spoilers
I don't watch shows like that usually because I can't focus on the show. I prefer to find videos of the amazing singers that show up.
This is AWESOME!
Wish the title didn't spoil the big part of the video AND the show, but whatever.
#Music #AGT #AmericasGotTalent
2024-06-10 13:30:49

NYT reports on factory-built housing in Sweden & potential for the US. Cites US building codes as obstacle, but doesn't go into depth.
My takeaway: I see more structural obstacles to this than just building codes. Zoning. Lack of state capacity to enforce performance-based code. Focus of industrial management on cost over durability & quality.
2024-06-14 11:45:45

Sources: Lightspeed wants to become a registered investment adviser, letting it use more than 20% of its funds, the cap for VC firms, to trade secondary markets (Tabby Kinder/Financial Times)
2024-06-14 19:26:12

"Following her lecture, Maria Todorova discusses with sociologist Manuela Boatca whether and to what extent (de)colonization theories can be made productive in Eastern European studies. The focus is the question of whether all empires can automatically be regarded as colonial." #Osteuropa #Imperium
2024-06-10 18:40:05

#Apple’s continued focus on highly-intentional #privacy, consent, highlighting of “On Device”, and “not shared with Apple or anyone else” feels pretty good after going all-in on this, career-wise, for the past 2 years.
2024-06-17 14:26:50

Why music could solve the Universe’s deepest secrets - BBC Science Focus Magazine
2024-06-10 07:57:50

Hei, vaihdetaan Signaliin:
2024-06-16 14:39:57

I was also thinking about getting user emails in a list to do something for retention. I would love to put more focus on keeping the users we got since the flow of new users is currently at a trickle.
2024-06-13 16:56:49

Interesting post on the future or lack thereof of Generative AI.
Microsoft is ""... shifting our focus on GPTs to Commercial and Enterprise scenarios and are stopping GPT efforts in consumer Copilot." Translation: Microsoft isn't making enough money from consumer MS365 subscriptions to pay for the cloud costs of an OpenAI-based service."
2024-06-16 01:45:41

A second Trump term would double down on erasing trans rights. Here’s how advocates are preparing.
2024-06-18 07:08:40

A Dictionary Based Approach for Removing Out-of-Focus Blur
Uditangshu Aurangabadkar, Anil Kokaram
2024-06-12 19:55:29

CNN signs a deal to use AP stories on its website, the first time it has done so since cutting ties 14 years ago to focus more on original reporting (Alexandra Steigrad/New York Post)
2024-06-13 22:26:06

Paradigm says it raised $850M for its third fund, which will focus on early-stage crypto projects; it previously launched a $2.5B crypto fund in November 2021 (Olga Kharif/Bloomberg)
2024-06-10 10:58:50

Een opvallende overeenkomst tussen Nieuw Sociaal Contract en FvD  - @…

De keuze is bij NSC op den duur dezelfde: mond dicht of vertrekken. Het was de bedoeling een soort frisse versie van het CDA te worden met een focus op beter bestuur. Daar waren ook ideeën over. Een coalitie met de PVV verhoudt zich daar helemaal niet toe. Kamerleden als Veldkamp, Uitermark en Palmen weten dat natuurlijk ook wel. Het normaliseren van Wilders was niet het plan en lag ook niet in de lijn der verwachting. De beloftes over de ijskast maken weinig verschil. Wilders stond zaterdag al…

Sam Altman currently runs OpenAI, the leading startup in generative artificial intelligence.
And Apple, racing to catch up in that area, has forged a partnership to integrate OpenAI’s ChatGPT into the iPhone’s operating system.
Though the controversial Altman is unlikely to take the stage at the event, the agreement will be a key focus of Apple’s 🔸Worldwide Developers Conference🔸 next week
— and it shows just how much the power in Silicon Valley has shifted over the past fe…
2024-06-08 07:20:28

America's Got Talent 2024 Spoilers
I don't watch shows like that usually because I can't focus on the show. I prefer to find videos of the amazing singers that show up.
This is AWESOME!
Wish the title didn't spoil the big part of the video AND the show, but whatever.
#Music #AGT #AmericasGotTalent
2024-06-14 00:03:45

🧠 Neural Similarity and Synchrony among Friends
#brain #neuroscience
2024-06-13 22:26:06

Paradigm says it raised $850M for its third fund, which will focus on early-stage crypto projects; it previously launched a $2.5B crypto fund in November 2021 (Olga Kharif/Bloomberg)
2024-06-15 21:21:45

New Study Reveals That Simply Looking at Trees Can Boost Your Mental Health

The MAGA Tragedy of Trump's Hunter Biden Obsession
2024-06-12 08:05:36

Q&A with Cohere CEO Aidan Gomez on co-authoring the "Attention is all you need" paper at Google, focusing on enterprise, whether there's an AI bubble, and more (Nilay Patel/The Verge)…