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2024-04-25 08:14:41

Robert Griffin III calls out Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys for their reluctance to pay Dak Prescott, labels the team’s behavior ‘toxic’…
2024-05-25 19:09:32

The Rose Thorns - Ralph’s Mom and Dad (1989)
Got this from the band in 1989.
If you know “The Bellrays”, this is Lisa and Bob’s first band. I wish more people knew about it. It’s clearly proto-Bellrays. Sounds as fresh today as it did back then.
#VinylRecords #vinyl

Album jacket front cover. Off white with stylized text in upper left corner that reads "The Rose Thorns". 

Middle right is a black and white picture in a gray frame with three people dressed up as if for church. Below is written "Ralph's Mon & Dad"

Below is black 12" vinyl disc with gray label and black text
Back of album jacket. Black background with white cursive writing for track listing and thanks list. 

Black disc below
2024-04-26 06:13:56

So a few months before “The Matrix” released in theaters, I got my hands on a digital copy of it (didn’t know what it was, I had just been doing a lot of random downloading)
Me being me, time goes by & by the time I watched it, it had been out of the theaters for a couple months.
Amazingly, no one had spoiled the twist, so I got to watch it fresh. I thought it was awesome.
So a year later I bought it on DVD and I was shocked - it had MUSIC!?!?
2024-05-22 10:56:04

General vibe I get from some people claiming to advocate for action is just flat out concern trolling and false flag stuff, even from hardliners.
Like, saying "the Vietnam protests backfired" or were ineffective
Dude, anti war protest history is complicated. No protest is free of side effects.
Or sanitized lgbtq history or bipoc history.
I'm happy my quiet town had a nonviolent protest, or an ineffective boycott. It's an appetizer. A follow on action, a lesson for organizers.
When opinion pieces said "students in Utah would never, they obey their government too much" I think an encampment dispels that notion.
Concern trolls and hardliners are annoying. "I want renewables... But not that one" or "I only want hydro, and I'll even stop other activists from pushing for wind".
I think whatever you can do is great.
Bad people aren't perfectionist and they'll take force multipliers where they can find em. They know even if it fails they'll learn how to make a more controlling prefect evil over time.
2024-04-24 10:12:39

I recently wrote in a blog post about puppet modules:
"There’s a general state of rot though, modules I used to use are almost all abandoned with a few moved to Vox. I wonder if stats about this is available, but I get the impression that content wise things are also taking a huge dive there and Vox are holding everything afloat”
Today we got stats. 65% of the 7500 modules on the forge have not been updated for 4.5 years.
Kudos to Puppet folk for starting to formally d…

Tuesday morning.
Judge Juan Merchan will hear prosecution arguments that Trump has repeatedly violated a prohibition against making “extrajudicial statements about trial participants,” colloquially known as a gag order.
For example, on the first day of the trial, April 15, prosecutors argued that Trump had violated the current gag order three times since its implementation on April 1.
The judge had amended the February gag order in March and April, each time after Trump vio…
2024-04-26 08:43:59

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-26 07:30:27

Cost-Driven Data Replication with Predictions
Tianyu Zuo, Xueyan Tang, Bu Sung Lee…
2024-03-23 00:56:32

I prolly won’t have my boob MRI results until next week, but the procedure itself went well. I’m MASSIVELY claustrophobic, so I always have to be sedated for MRIs, but I had to do this one lying face-down, & as it turns out, if I can’t see that I’m in a tube, I don’t freak out! AT ALL! I mean, the noises sucked, & being awake but perfectly still for 40 minutes while lying face-down wasn’t super comfy, but all-in-all, I did just fine.
Good thing, too, bc they only gave me one te…
2024-04-26 07:30:27

Cost-Driven Data Replication with Predictions
Tianyu Zuo, Xueyan Tang, Bu Sung Lee…