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2024-05-16 07:21:09

Some insights from my last poll (apparently it's not possible to make a "anyone can see, only followers can vote" poll so it's followers-only)...
Roughly 1 in 6.5 of my followers are trans (about three times the 5% rate reported in a Pew Research survey from 2022). Of the trans folks, about a third are also furries.
I figured there would be a lot of each, but the amount of overlap (especially the lack of cis furries) surprised me: if you're furry and follow …
2024-05-14 14:57:58

Microsoft faces renewed antitrust charges in EU over Teams dominance
Global unbundling of Teams insufficient concession<…
2024-04-16 06:58:55

There are a lot of valid criticisms of LLMs, but "they are useless" is definitely not one of them. Just went from "I have no idea how to write tests for this specific project setup I have before me" to "I think I know how to create these tests, let's write a few and ask for feedback" to finally arrive at "oh, there are some really neat convenience features in pytest that make it possible to write this in a significantly cleaner way", all in the space of two hours, by basically pair programming with ChatGPT. As long as you leave your brain turned on while using it, and keep asking good questions, it really can be a force multiplier in learning new things in an area you already have some knowledge in.
2024-05-14 08:41:15

Fear of Queer: Kremlin’s Hate Speech Against The Eurovision Written by Matt Wickham UCMC/HWAG analyst “A freak show.” “Dangerous to watch.” “Song Contest of a singing sodemite-leftist.” The 2024 Eurov Source :
2024-06-17 05:37:50

A thousand times yes.
2024-06-13 17:42:52

FERC Commissioner Christie--who has longstanding ties to the natural gas industry and who has for years been saying that the US is retiring coal plants too quickly and that the US needs to build MOAR GAS and not renewables--is now accusing his fellow commissioners of being captured by the renewable lobby.
In other news, pot calls kettle black.
2024-05-15 11:55:08

Chaos in Tesla's EV-charging unit after Musk gets angry at (female) chief & fires entire staff.
Construction contractor says Tesla staffers now contacting his company “don’t know a thing.”
Announced $500 million investment means 77% fewer new chargers per month than last year & still requires 100s of employees. Yet work has now been turned over to Energy team which was already struggling to meet its workload.
2024-05-17 08:45:16

Is there a name-and-shame list of companies forcing AI tools into the products we use?
Perhaps with instructions on how to opt out of or block these tools... and even alternatives which don't include AI?
If it's made unprofitable or financially damaging for companies to force AI upon us, then perhaps they will think twice before doing it?
I realise that coming back from this dystopian AI hellscape is unlikely of course.
2024-05-15 11:55:08

Chaos in Tesla's EV-charging unit after Musk gets angry at (female) chief & fires entire staff.
Construction contractor says Tesla staffers now contacting his company “don’t know a thing.”
Announced $500 million investment means 77% fewer new chargers per month than last year & still requires 100s of employees. Yet work has now been turned over to Energy team which was already struggling to meet its workload.